You have your Mass Effect and God of War floating around. To most, they are herald as masterpieces of their genres. It seems the people at Liquid Entertainment decided to take the good aspects of these games and create their own. What we got was Rise of the Argonauts. Read More.
When the original Lumines was released for the PSP, it was a system seller. Its addictive puzzle mechanics combined with pulsing beats and visuals made it an enjoyable puzzle title that one could be lost in for hours. Since then it has been released on a number of systems, including the PS2 and the Xbox Live Arcade. Read More.
I get it, vampires are the popular trend in pop culture right now. While these undead bloodsuckers may rule the realms of literature and film right now, they certainly aren't the reigning champions of the video game world, due in no small part to Vampire Rain: Altered Species. Read More.
Since the release of Wii Sports, a number of developers have tried to follow suit and create their own sports-compilation title. Most of these follow the same general pattern as Wii Sports, but tend to introduce new quirks that set them apart from the trend. The most blatant of these copies is Deca Sports. Read More.
SPRay (aka Sprited Prince Ray) is something of a unique title for the Wii. In it, as the titular Prince Ray, you're tasked with saving the land from a malevolent being by collecting parts of a crystal sun, a crystal cluster that brings life to the world. It's been shattered and its pieces scattered across varying landscapes, so the Prince, along with two little helpers, must collect them to save the day. Read More.
Looking at the video games released by publisher Gamecock Media there's a serious dearth of quality as of late, original ideas that simply aren't executed well in terms of gameplay. Not all of it is Gamecocks fault though; some of it is a well earned reputation on the part of the developers themselves. Read More.
Complaining about stuff that sucks is part of Gamerhood, but I had a theory. And it was a good theory, based on logic and good things like that. The theory was that truly bad games don't make it to market anymore, because there are just too many layers of approval, too many technological advances, and too many people to satisfy to let truly egregious crap get through. Read More.
One has to wonder if there's something out there, something dark and sinister, referred to only as the Croft Curse. This nefarious evil makes any developers who work on the Tomb Raider games slowly become more obsessed with showing off Lara's polygons than making playable games. Read More.
Rockstar has finally rolled out the company's next big title following the release Grand Theft Auto IV earlier this year. Midnight Club: Los Angeles is the fourth original game of the Midnight Club series, and the first to appear on the current generation of consoles. Read More.
Ah, Prince of Persia. I remember you, back in the day, avoiding pits filled with spikes, falls to the death, blades that chop you in two, and guards who really did not enjoy my pixellated sword stabbing them in their pixelated chests. It's been through multiple sequels and reinventions, some of which have been successful - such as the Sands of Time series - and some of which have not been quite as pleasant (we do not speak of Prince of Persia 3D. Read More.
When I first acquired my Xbox 360, I had a sinking feeling.
"What if this whole next-gen thing was just a scam?" I asked myself, as I played game after game that would have been easily possible on earlier-generation systems with some trimmed back graphics and a lower resolution. Read More.
Have you ever wished that multiplayer games really did much of anything to force people to work together? How many times have you lost a round in an FPS because of a lone wolf who runs off to do his own thing? It seems like they really think that running off by themselves will be leads them to victory, undeterred by little things like repeated deaths. Read More.
With the focus that current-generation consoles have placed on reinventing wheels, shifting paradigms and other promotional jargon, it's always interesting to find the occasional title that doesn't just avoid change but actively works against it. Read More.
Feeling a little blue? Wanting to increase your confidence? If so, MindHabits (created by Dr. Baldwin and the Article 19 Group) have produced an award winning game for your PC that is here to help! By clicking on happy faces and ignoring neutral and mad faces MindHabits hopes to train your brain to focus on the positive in about 5 minutes a day. Read More.
It's been almost 4 years since World of Warcraft took gamers by storm, sky rocketing to the position of most popular Massive Multiplayer Online game. Over those years, there has been some considerable competition for WoW in the MMO genre, but none have dethroned Blizzard's game from that number one spot, and if Wrath of the Lich King is any indicator, no game will for a long, long time. Read More.