Going back before Guitar Hero and its plastic axes came and stole our musical gaming hearts away, there was a little gem of a game for the original PlayStation called Parappa the Rapper. Now, you youngin's with your Xbox 360s and plastic drum kits probably don't remember this charming little game that for all intents and purposes, started the Rhythm genre with a bang. Read More.
If, like me, you're a fan of Wolverine, be it from the comics, television shows, or movies, you were most likely excited at the prospect of this game. X-Men Origins: Wolverine does not disappoint, it is every bit the experience we were promised but with a few unfortunate technical issues as well. Read More.
The world of Mars is a hostile territory. An insurgent group is rebelling against a controlling and powerful foe and you're caught right in the middle. It's a story we've heard time and time again, but it isn't the story in Red Faction: Guerrilla that will have you coming back time and time again. Read More.
The Red Alert series began back in 1996 as a strategy game in a parallel universe, developed by Westwood Studios. Other than the use of time travel which sparked the events of the game, the title was mostly down to earth, and delivered a satisfying alternate version of World War II. Read More.
Has there ever been a game more highly hyped than Killzone 2? I don't think so. Ever since the debut of the pre-rendered trailer at E3 2005, gamers worldwide have been waiting to see if Guerilla's PS3 killer app could live up to the lofty expectations set forth by that trailer. Read More.
When making a game, the top priority of a game developer should be fun, that's the most important thing. If your game looks great, has great music and some incredibly novel ideas but it just isn't fun then there's little point to it. This is especially important when attempting to make a "realistic" game since developers have a tendency to let real world physics get in the way of a good time. Read More.
You could say I'm a follower. A sheep, if you will. I'll flock to the nearest gathering of friends. Sure, I'm liable to alienate some with my methods, but in the end, it's all about the journey, the herding of my fellow allies and I…alright, fine, I'll stop flocking around. Read More.
One of the things that make rhythm games so much fun is the peripherals. Oh you could play Guitar Hero with just the regular controller of your console of choice but where's the fun in that? To say nothing of the ridiculous finger acrobatics you have to engage in for some of the trickier music. Read More.
Playing PBR: Out of the Chute is some of the best fun I've had in a while, but it's for all the wrong reasons. You see, it's a game about Professional Bull Riding (PBR actually stands for Professional Bull Riders Inc.), and, well, that's exactly what you do. You ride a bull. Read More.
Visual novel games are really almost a logical extension of the direction that certain video games have moved. Players spend just as much, if not more so, time watching cut scenes than they do actually playing the game. If a game has a good story to tell this generally wouldn't be a problem except that many of these titles have okay stories and really good gameplay. Read More.
Red Fly Studio began in 2005 with a handful of members from other development studios (Ion Storm and Retro Studios, to name a couple), all of whom wanted to step out of the norm of creating games for someone else and develop something they wanted to see done. Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars was that brainchild, and now, nearly four years later, Red Fly has released the title . Read More.
It's WrestleMania season once again and THQ's wrestling franchise certainly wasn't going to miss the opportunity to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the World Wrestling Entertainment's main event. WWE Legends of WrestleMania is a tribute to the league's first fifteen years of the Pay Per View event and to the superstars we've all inevitably heard of, one way or another. Read More.
In all the years that I have been playing video games I have never felt as utterly confused as I do now. After an unfairly large number of hours playing Mushroom Men I don't believe that I've ever felt like I wasted my life. This game took hours of my life that I can never replace and I'm still not even sure what the heck the real point of playing this game is. Read More.
With all the celebrity gossip and non-stop news coverage of celebrity train wrecks like Lindsay Lohan and Jessica Simpson, you really have to wonder why anyone would want to be a movie star. Sure, there are the millions of dollars and the screaming fans, but personally, I like to work in obscurity and not have weird people hiding in my bushes with a telephoto lens that would make Ron Jeremy nervous. Read More.
Typically, I do not like those games referred to as 'bullet hell' games; you know the ones: your one-hit wonder of a ship versus a literal screen of bullets, and its your job to navigate your single-pixel hitbox through all of these bullets while relentlessly attacking the boss. Read More.