Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection is quite simply, pinball for the fanatics who love every beep, smack, flashing light and near to impossible to hit target. For those who are simply pinball fans, the game is probably not nearly as engrossing, though still enjoyable once you've figured out the tables that appeal to you. Read More.
Nostalgia is a title that is aptly-named. Playing it evokes memories of role-playing games from years past, of games heavy on dungeoneering and light on story, of simple turn-based battles and two-dimensional enemies that rarely had motivations beyond destroying/ruling the world. Read More.
Lots of video games start their life as a crossing of two ideas or slight twist on an old formula. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is Metroid meets Castlevania. Dead Space is Resident Evil 4… in space! Warcraft is clearly Blizzards own spin on the Warhammer setting except not as bleak. Read More.
Normally I can bang off a review immediately after finishing a game. I'm decisive about what I like and what I hate, and usually the game is from some big company that has managed to skirt the review process with pre-orders. The indie nature of Darkest of Days, however, made me feel like I was kicking a puppy, and I needed to do some digital soul searching. Read More.
The dungeon-crawling genre has never had a complicated formula: you kill stuff, you get equipment, you kill bigger stuff, you delve deeper. Repeat as necessary. Torchlight is, well, no different. But it does it well. It refines many aspects of the genre, adds some more options to the top, and tops it all off with an attractive style that is pleasant to look at as you cut down swaths of enemies. Read More.
As someone who spent their high school years playing the Gran Turismo series on the PlayStation One, I can safely say that I'm burnt out from the repetitive nature of the hardcore racing sim. Going through a hundred hours of hardcore physics and minute car tuning hasn't really changed since the glory days of Gran Turismo 2, and I don't think I'm the only one who has lost interest in the genre. Read More.
The people at Chair Entertainment and Epic Games must have had their Super Nintendo hooked up when they were thinking of this game. Inside it was a copy of the classic game Super Metroid. While they were in Brinstar battling Kraid, a thought shot through their minds; they need to team up and create a game just like this. Read More.
Liberty City is a city of characters. The Ballad of Gay Tony gives you an opportunity to meet some new individuals and become reacquainted with some old friends. The GTA series may be famous for its fast cars and brutal killing, but it should also be known for its great character development. Read More.
This may have just been a nightmare I had, but with the release of Guitar Hero 17: Hanson and Rock Band: Nickelback, I have been wondering where the music genre can really go from here. The shredding of plastic guitars which only a few years ago seemed so novel and exciting has gone exceedingly stale. Read More.
The problem with any long-running video game series is that, after a few years, it risks becoming stagnant; pumping out a new game every twelve months can make it tough for a developer to include everything they want. Change the formula too much, however, and you risk alienating your hardcore fan base. Read More.
WET is a game about shooting things. And guns. More shooting, then some backflips. It's essentially the video game equivalent of an old-school Quentin Tarantino or Grindhouse film filled with, well, guns and bullets. Rubi is a Fixer, and though what that means is generally left ambiguous, it's safe to say that she's a gun for hire that performs. Read More.
It's been almost a decade since the original Majesty: Fantasy Kingdom Sim made its hit debut in 2000, and some speculated that it might never see a sequel. Now, thanks to publisher Paradox Interactive and the well-established Russian developer, 1C Company, Majesty 2 will finally see light. Read More.
When you think of Nintendo, what three video game franchises come to mind? Mario is the obvious one, which is still going strong after milking every conceivable genre imaginable. Zelda would have to be number two, with each addition becoming an instant classic. Read More.
One of the more controversial events to ever occur in Marvel comics is without a doubt the Civil War crossover. While the idea of mutants being brought under the control of the government to serve as super-human law enforcement is simple and had been bandied about a bit in the universe it took a major event to really bring it to the forefront. Read More.
When I played the original Uncharted, I was impressed. It was a really good blend of platforming and cover-based shooter mechanics, all wrapped up in a stellar presentation and story fit for cinema. So it was hard to believe that Naughty Dog could strike gold again with a sequel, making a game that was as good as Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Read More.