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Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable Review (PSP)

By Daniel Acaba () - 8.0 out of 10

Before we get into this review, as a responsible reviewer I have to admit to being a Shin Megami Tensei fan boy. I've played every game that's available in English as well as some of the Japanese games. In addition to that I've written a rather exhaustive guide to the original Persona 3 that took four playthroughs and spent hundreds of hours with the original game as well as its updated version, Persona 3 FES. Read More.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Review (Wii)

By Nicholas Bale () - 9.8 out of 10

Mario. Mario of the Mario brothers. He's become one of the most iconic video game characters in history, instantly recognizable on site, and always a source of great platforming gameplay. Released in 2007, the first Super Mario Galaxy put our heroic plumber on the galactic stage, finding him at gravity's whim, rotating around planets, walking to the dark side of moons, and in general being a pretty enjoyable platformer. Read More.

Hexyz Force Review (PSP)

By Nicholas Bale () - 6.2 out of 10

Sometimes you just want to play an old-school RPG, where you get into battles, kill hordes of enemies, and save the world from some dark evil god or something. Hexyz Force is just the game for you in this situation, and though it even comes with some depth to the combat, it also comes with a lot of flaws that prevent it from being more than just a stereotypical jRPG. Read More.

Toy Story 3 Review (PS3)

By Nicholas Bale () - 8.3 out of 10

So I'm not sure what to think of the video game adaptation of Toy Story 3. See, movie tie-ins have a history of being...well, let's just say 'not that great'. Some are decent, some are mediocre, but rarely are they any good. I've played a good amount of these games, and generally I've expected exactly what I've gotten. Read More.

Alpha Protocol Review (X360)

By Daniel Acaba () - 6.5 out of 10

Quite often while playing games you will find that one element of the game seems to thrive while others don't fare quite as well. These are usually the result of game developers choosing to focus on making a game with awesome run-and-gun gameplay over pithy storylines or penning an over-dramatic storyline with awesomely boring game mechanics. Read More.

Blur Review (X360)

By Nicholas Bale () - 8.5 out of 10

Blur is a thoughtful melding of two unexpected genres: racing and RPGs. Well, less of a mix, more like someone added in a dash of role-playing elements to a big pot labeled 'racer', and did a pretty good job of it too. It's got its issues, but we'll get to those in a bit. Read More.

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands Review (PS3)

By Chris Moore () - 7.8 out of 10

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time was a landmark game. Not just for platform and action games, but for me personally. This was the first game of only two games I have ever rented, beat the game and then once I was done, went out and bought the game. On the whim of a commercial I thought was interesting, I decided to give it a go. Read More.

Split/Second Review (PS3)

By Christopher Seal () - 8.4 out of 10

Do you like fast cars? Do you like explosions? Do you like exploding fast cars? If you have answered yes to all three of these questions, Split/Second is just the game for you. Based on the premise that you're a driver on an exciting new television show, you race through 12 different episodes competing against various opponents in a bid to become the ultimate champion. Read More.

Alan Wake Review (X360)

By Andrew Sztein () - 8.2 out of 10

If there's one emotion that the video game medium conveys better than any other, it's fear. While many are still looking for that elusive game to universally bring gamers to tears or touch the heart in ways only the greatest books and films have, fear has been kind to video games. Read More.

Deer Drive Review (Wii)

By Naomi Brown () - 4.0 out of 10

Just for starters, I think it's fair to get the following out of the way: I am not against game hunting. As a matter of fact, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. You hunt, you kill, you cook, and you eat. Very basic and very natural. I myself once had an excellent venison stew and by golly, I'd 'kill' for another. Read More.

Dementium II Review (DS)

By Nicholas Bale () - 7.3 out of 10

When Dementium: The Ward came out in 2007, it certainly had its flaws, but it showed off the power of the Nintendo DS and proved that a psychological horror could be done, though maybe not perfectly, on a handheld device. Read More.

Din's Curse Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 7.5 out of 10

Din's Curse is a game I'd never heard of, but one that I certainly found myself interested in as I played it. An action-RPG, at first glance it simply looks like a Diablo-clone, but it's definitely willing to surprise those that play it with new ideas and different conventions. Read More.

MotoGP 09/10 Review (PS3)

By Alex Coulter () - 6.5 out of 10

What I really love about video games is that they allow me to experience things I could never do in real life. While fighting blood-thirsty dragons and exploring the vast emptiness of space certainly fits that mold, so does driving at speeds of over 200 miles per hour with only two wheels separating me from the unrecognizable blur of pavement below. Read More.

UFC 2010 Undisputed Review (X360)

By Andrew Sztein () - 8.8 out of 10

It's no secret that in recent years, video games have essentially been split into two camps: Casual and hardcore. In no other genre is this more apparent than in sports games. Sports games generally act as total fan service, giving fans of a sport the most in depth possible simulation of the sport, both on the playing surface and within board rooms, gyms, and the concession stand. Read More.

Just Cause 2 Review (X360)

By Warren Dunlop () - 7.9 out of 10

Four years after its debut, special-ops Rico Rodriguez is back with another just cause. Set in the fictional island of Panau in South East Asia, JC2 is filled with tropical forests, snow-capped mountains, and villages with huts full of civilians that have fallen victim to an evil dictator, Baby Panay. Read More.
