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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction Review (X360)

By Christopher Seal () - 8.3 out of 10

After years of waiting, numerous changes and restarts, Sam Fisher is finally back. It's been almost five years since the first hints of a new Splinter Cell game were announced and in that time Ubisoft has reinvented the series and perfected a new type of stealth-action game. Read More.

Trauma Team Review (Wii)

By Nicholas Bale () - 8.8 out of 10

Welcome to the hospital! Here's your crazy storyline, extremely eccentric doctors, and more medical jargon than you can shake your stethoscope at. The Trauma series is back, this time with Trauma Team. You're not simply a lone doctor this time; now the entire hospital is under your control. Read More.

How to Train Your Dragon Review (PS3)

By Nicholas Bale () - 5.5 out of 10

How to Train Your Dragon, released earlier this year, is a good animated film about a Viking boy and how he comes to be not quite a wimp. Also there are dragons. It's a great film, you should see it! Read More.

3D Dot Game Heroes Review (PS3)

By Christopher Seal () - 7.9 out of 10

Not too long ago, games didn't focus on guns, grenades and tactical support. Times were more civilized, your character would use his wits to solve puzzles and giant swords spanning fifty feet to dispose of his or her enemies. Wait, how big is that sword? That can't be fair. Read More.

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle Review (Wii)

By Chris Moore () - 8.2 out of 10

For those out there that think the Wii is nothing but a system for the casual gamer and their grandma; where you'll spend the majority of your times bowling, cooking, and doing yoga poses; and only Nintendo alums such as Mario, Link and Samus can survive because they are timeless icons, I have news for you. Read More.

Resonance of Fate Review (X360)

By Andrew Sztein () - 8.1 out of 10

I've reviewed a lot of games for GamingExcellence. I've reviewed long games, short games, fun games, crap games, complex games, simple games, and pretty much everything in between. Read More.

Metro 2033 Review (X360)

By Daniel Acaba () - 9.4 out of 10

Every so often a game will come completely out of nowhere. It slides in right under the radar and manages to take you totally by surprise. These games are often made by new or up and coming development studios that most people really don't pay enough attention to and yet they manage to make games like Darksiders. Read More.

Family Party: 30 Great Games Review (Wii)

By Naomi Brown () - 5.6 out of 10

Many gamers have come to understand the Wii as a console for very specific tastes. The occasional must have such as Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, exercise games for the busy yet health conscious mom and of course, the games for the kids. A large number of the games available on the Wii are party games suitable for putting on and enjoying with a group of friends or family. Read More.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 7.8 out of 10

The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series has always been something of a unique game. Sure, each element of its gameplay has been used in other games before, whether it's the shooter gameplay, the bleak atmosphere, the equipment upgrades, or the free-roaming, mission-based gameplay. Read More.

Air Conflict: Aces of World War II Review (PSP)

By Jordan Louis () - 5.0 out of 10

I've been a fan of air combat games for quite a while, having played Top Gun and After Burner on the NES, Ace Combat 2 and 3 on the PS1 and even Ace Combat: Skies of Deception on the PSP. So while the cover art for Air Conflict: Aces of World War II screamed "shovelware" with all the ferocity of a Stuka dive-bomb siren, I kept myself cautiously optimistic and decided to give the game the benefit of the doubt. Read More.

Aliens vs. Predator Review (X360)

By Chris Moore () - 6.7 out of 10

In the vein of Marvel vs. DC, Star Trek vs. Star Wars; two very recognizable science fiction icons clash to prove which one of them is truly the better species. Fans of any of the series would be in an uproar if the makers of the game favoured one species over the other. Read More.

Yakuza 3 Review (PS3)

By Nicholas Bale () - 8.2 out of 10

Kazuma Kiryu is not a man that you want to mess around with. He's been through quite a lot of crap, as the first two Yakuza games demonstrate. He's beaten up government officials, Yakuza bosses, killers, men in diapers (yes. Men in diapers), regular thugs, big thugs, red thugs, blue thugs, basically half the people in Tokyo. Read More.

God of War III Review (PS3)

By Liana Kerzner () - 9.5 out of 10

"My vengeance ends now."

With these words, Kratos begins the third and final chapter of the God of War trilogy, as he closes in on killing Zeus, slaughtering everything in his path, to avenge the death of his wife and daughter. These words also began one of the most intense, exciting, revolutionary, and… adult… gaming experiences I have ever encountered. Read More.
