Dawn of War 2 came out as a sequel heavily diverging from what its predecessor had created. It was a tactical experience, focusing more on micro management of individual squads, levelling them up between story missions that saw no base building or resource management, but complex firefights and evolving characters. Read More.
Creating a game to simulate the Olympics experience seems like a great idea. You have a plethora of sports to choose from and if made right a game putting you in the shoes (or skates, skis or other various footwear) could be a fairly deep experience. For example you could create your Olympian and work your way up from training to qualifying for the national team of your choice to finally the main event, going for gold. Read More.
So far, 2010 has been a nightmare for gamers. The last two months have supplied far too many high quality games for any single person to enjoy, and the trend doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon. It seems like every Tuesday there is a new AAA title being released, yet I'm still busy saving the galaxy from the Reapers, or chasing the Origami Killer. Read More.
Mini-game compilations are certainly no stranger to the Wii. There have been dozens of games trying to cash in on the success of titles like Wii Sports, and far too many of them have been full priced. However, thanks to Nintendo's WiiWare service, gamers are getting a chance to scratch that mini-game itch without having to break the bank. Read More.
Ever since I saw Dante's Inferno at E3 2009 I've been incredibly excited for it. Heck I'd even go so far as to say that I was more excited for it than I was for God of War III. Dante appeared to be on a quest of personal redemption as well as to recover his lost love, Beatrice. Read More.
The advent of digital distribution certainly hasn't gone as well as its early proponents would have liked, but it's been a boon for indie developers. In the past, releasing a game would have entailed developing a project and frequently watching it be disemboweled by a large publisher, but digital distribution gave developers the chance to put out smaller projects without having to worry about going bankrupt if it didn't sell well. Read More.
I loved Nancy Drew as a little girl. She was sassy, smart, highly motivated with a dreamy boyfriend, a sweet car and two awesome best friends - truthfully, my polar opposite in just about every way possible. I'd go to the library and borrow all the Nancy Drew books and read them as fast as possible and my mother cringed and bought me stronger glasses. Read More.
I'm not entirely sure how to review this game. I've been writing something, deleting it, writing it, deleting it again, because I'm not quite sure what to say. Read More.
As a gamer there's one thing that you never want from your video games - for it to be boring. It's the one thing that you really just can't do anything about, no matter how much you try. Truly great games are rare but it's always pleasant to find out that a game you've purchased turns out to be one. Read More.
There is a huge preconception that must immediately be handled if you're going to ever put your hands on Band Hero. Just because a game has been given a number of songs that would theoretically appeal to a different set of gamers doesn't devalue it for everyone else. Read More.
There is a huge preconception that must immediately be handled if you're going to ever put your hands on Band Hero. Just because a game has been given a number of songs that would theoretically appeal to a different set of gamers doesn't devalue it for everyone else. Read More.
When my boss handed me my copy of BioShock 2 for review, he had a word of advice: "review the game for what it is, and don't let your love for the first game cloud your judgement of the sequel." Considering that the original game is one of my favourite gaming experiences of all time and remains the highest review score I've ever given in three years of writing for GamingExcellence, it was good (yet unnecessary) advice. Read More.
The Silent Hill Series has a mostly loyal and ardent fan base consisting of folks who really, really love a great psychological thriller/horror. Weird cults who are hell bent on resurrecting ancient gods? Sign them up! Spouses who can't come to grips with their relationships and end up getting stuck in a nightmarish waltz with Death personified? Read More.
Tony Hawk Ride is the latest foray that attempts to bring skateboarding from reality into the warmth and comfort of our living rooms. What sets this game apart from previous games in the extensive franchise? Tony Hawk Ride tries to reinvent the series by including a skateboard peripheral. Read More.
Boasting an impressive feat of being able to play with up to 255 other players at the same time, MAG always looked impressive, at least in theory. Whether or not the gameplay would live up to the technical ability, however, was a different matter entirely. Read More.