Greed: Black Border is a game that doesn't quite feel like it knows what it's doing, or what it wants to be. At first glance, it looks to be a Diablo-esque title, where loot is the name of the game. But then they forget the loot early on, try to add in a lackluster plot…things quickly devolve and everything becomes worse as time passes. Read More.
BioWare's release of Mass Effect back in 2007 for the Xbox 360 (and later in 2008 for the PC) meant a brand new science fiction universe for gamers to explore. Mass Effect went a little further than that, though. If you look at BioWare's history, a huge chunk of their games are using other licenses. Read More.
Mass Effect could be considered one of the more daring games to be released in some time. Taking a story driven RPG featuring one of Bioware's famous morality systems and in-depth storylines with third person shooter elements was a daring proposition but it paid off. Read More.
Let's just start this review with one little note: I don't care what anybody says, the original Army of Two was a pretty good game. It wasn't the best game ever, it didn't redefine any genres and it wasn't some life changing event. However it was a fun, mindless shooter with lots of explosions and guns - sort of the video game equivalent of a Michael Bay movie. Read More.
As I sit here, in a plane, thousands of feet (38005 feet to be precise, according to this little flight map) above the earth's surface, I contemplate Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes for the Nintendo DS. With this thought comes a desire to put my feelings of it into words. Read More.
Maybe I'm not an expert, maybe I took the simple approach, but Ninja Gaiden really is all about mashing buttons and hoping you take down your enemies before they take out you. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just means by the end of the game your square and triangle buttons will be a little worse for wear. Read More.
Let me present to you a hypothetical situation: your entire class is going on a field trip to Kyouto, city of history and temples and beauty (not to be confused with Kyoto, the similar city of history and temples and beauty). What are you doing while you're in the city? Read More.
Combine zero gravity, the everlasting abyss of space and highly powered assault rifles, and you'll end up with Shattered Horizons.
Shattered Horizons puts you inside an airtight suit and releases you into the dark void that is space. Along with your trusty firearm you are pitted against the opposing team in one of three different game modes. Read More.
The commercials that have been bombarding my TV for FIFA 10 have been asking the question: "How much bigger can soccer get?"
It's an odd question to ponder, due to the fact that I live in Ottawa, the equivalent of a soccer Siberia. Here in Canada, professional franchises are few and far between outside of Toronto, and most sports fans around these parts want to discuss hockey and on occasion, hockey related topics. Read More.
Throughout my years of reviewing video games, I've covered a lot of titles across nearly every perceivable genre. And through those years, I've come to value a few key elements: ability to entertain, creativity, and originality. Having played Darksiders from beginning to end, I'm starting to agree with a statement I once strongly opposed. Read More.
The folks at Vogster Entertainment have had their hands full over the past few months, and rightfully so. CrimeCraft came to the frontlines of the video game market at the beginning of September, its glossy package design promising 'gripping, action-packed shootouts' and 'role-playing elements exclusive to today's hottest MMO games. Read More.
Ratchet and Clank have returned to the PlayStation 3 in an all-new adventure. The latest title, A Crack in Time, has fans of the franchise everywhere wondering what zany weapons has Insomniac dreamed up this time. The real question in my mind, following last summer's PSN release of A Quest for Booty, is whether Clank will once again be at the forefront of the storyline. Read More.
Until I saw James Cameron at the Ubisoft press conference in this year's E3, I had not heard of his movie nor the game based on it. And until I had played the game, I hadn't seen a single piece of marketing dedicated to either. So I was pretty much going in with a blank slate of what to expect, except for the usual mild form of pessimism that results from playing as many movie-to-videogames that I have. Read More.
Warnings at Waverly Academy is the 21st installment in the Nancy Drew mystery games collection. It continues along with the adventures of everyone's favorite young sleuth, Miss Drew, who uses her wits and detective skills to figure out mysteries and save the day for everyone involved. Read More.
There are many of us that wept at the void left in city building sims when Maxis shifted their focus from SimCity to The Sims. But the hope that Cities XL will fill that void is a vain hope. Despite an odd addictiveness, Cities XL is both generic and sloppy. Read More.