In Spider-Man games of the past, developers created an open world for Spider-Man to explore. Once the main story was over, players could just freely roam high above the streets above New York City fighting crime and saving civilians from certain death. Beenox decided to go a different route. Read More.
It's always dicey buying platformer games. Most of the time games in this genre are boring, repetitive or laughably short. Regardless of the fault with this genre most of these games are just far from worth the price tag attached. But sometimes, just sometimes, they are sparkling gems that shine amidst the drudge out there. Read More.
Yes, if I go back an count up the hours that individual franchises have stolen from my youth, I'm pretty sure that the Civilization series will be at the top of the heap. It's hard to pinpoint what exactly makes the games so addictive, but addictive it surely is. Read More.
Getting in the seat of a high-speed fighter jet is supposed to be a thrill, not a chore. Taking to the sky and engaging in dogfights has always been appealing to me. That is why it is such a disappointment that Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 takes a lot of the fun out of the whole experience thanks in part to frustrating level designs and poor A. Read More.
I wonder what it's like to be offered puzzles at every turn in life. Not just being offered a brain-teaser by friends, but actually being harangued in the street by people who want you to solve their latest problem, to sort tiles, to figure out what jacket goes on what hook, all that. Read More.
One thing that can easily make someone very leery of a game in development is when it's something unexpected from a game developer. If a company famously known for making RPG's suddenly announces an action adventure title you can never be entirely sure of how it's going to come out. Read More.
You know, I don't think I've used the phrase 'ludicrously difficult' before. At least, not in recent memory. But Etrian Odyssey III deserves the title. I've played every dungeon crawler that I could get my hands on since Wizardy threw me in a poorly-rendered orange-coloured dungeon back in the 80s. Read More.
The Disciples series has been something of a title that has lingered on the periphery of gaming. There are those that are great fans of the series, but bring it up in a conversation, even with people who profess themselves as gamers, and you'll find yourself in the company of a lot of confused looks. Read More.
You like trading simulators? You might like Patrician IV, if you haven't already heard about it already. Otherwise...well, let's just say the genre doesn't really bring a broad audience. Read More.
R.U.S.E. is the kind of game a real-time strategist might enjoy and be bored of at the same time. It's a game that relies on strategy and thinking ahead, rather than fast reflexes and actions-per-minute, but it manages to create problems for itself, at least on the consoles, due to the limitations of the controls and what you're actually able to do. Read More.
When we at GamingExcellence got our hands on Hydrophobia at E3 2010 our reactions were somewhat mixed. Some of the journalists were enamored with the water physics, the sense of danger that the game provided and just how good the game looked for a downloadable title. Read More.
Here we are again, anxiously hitting another season of NHL hockey. Like clockwork, EA Sports has released their annual simulation of the sport, and the results are still spectacular, but not without some caveats. Read More.
A lot of people tend to pick on Darksiders by claiming it to be derivative and not worth the time. It's derided as a Legend of Zelda clone that rips off as many games as possible. As my boss said in his original review of Darksiders for the consoles, originality is overrated. Read More.
When you sit back and think about it, this really has been a long time coming. With the plethora of dongles and accessories for the Wii that let you turn the Wiimote into a tennis racket, golf club, rifle, sword, or what have you, it's really surprising that its taken this long for someone to go Canadian and turn our favourite waggle stick into a hockey stick. Read More.
It's a rare day that I no longer want to play a video game. Oh sure I might not like a game that I'm playing but there are only a very rare few games that have made me never want to play them again. Playing through games like this becomes a bit of torture akin to having teeth pulled by a drunken dentist on the back of an ATV driving off-road. Read More.