GamingExcellence only exists because we have great people who are passionate about the gaming industry. Like you, we are people that have been surprised at great games that come out of nowhere, as well as wasted money on games that aren't worth our time. Our team is one of the hardest working group of people in the industry, and we'd love to get to know you better.
Executive Team

Daniel Acaba Editor-in-Chief
Gaming for the past twenty years Daniel Acaba has put in plenty of time into video games. Time enough for them to become a huge part of his life although one has to wonder what else he could have been accomplished with all that time if he wasn't gaming it away. But he prefers not to think of such trivial details and enjoy the games as they come.

Shawn Snider Founder
Shawn Snider is the founder of GamingExcellence, and brings nearly a decade of industry experience to the publication. He is an expert at late night update marathons and coding sessions, a pizza connoisseur, and likes to think he's good at Company of Heroes (when in fact he's truly terrible).
Editorial Team

Nicholas Bale Associate Editor
Nicholas Bale has been playing games ever since he laid his little hands on Super Mario Bros, and has been talking about them ever since anyone would bother listening (and sometimes when they wouldn't). Though role-playing games are his thing, he'll play anything that takes input and can often be found whittling away his free time trying to complete one of the many, many games left on his shelf.

Chris Moore Associate Editor
Chris Moore has let gaming take over his life. When he was in middle school, He spent the night with his friend to see who the statistical best at Street Fighter Alpha 3 was. (Chris is by 62%) It has also almost gotten into trouble at times. In high school he almost got grounded for being out around town after midnight. In actuality, he was with his best friend playing Metal Gear Solid at his house. His entire existence is pretty much measured in video games. And while some out there only hear bleeps and bloops he hears incredibly constructed video game music.
Writing Team

Naomi Brown Senior Staff Writer
Unfortunately, Naomi Brown still misses her Atari, badly. And the original Genesis given away by her evil hunchbacked, beer guzzling stepfather with the harelip and wandering eye. But knowing that those happy times are long gone, Naomi consoles herself with realizing that there's no way she'd ever get to play her lovely, mind screwing survival horror on an Atari. Or blow zombies heads off in such beautifully rendered bloody tones on the Genesis. So while the glory days of Centipede and Aladdin are long gone, she's still got her Fatal Frame and L4D to keep her company.