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Puzzle Quest: Galactrix Review (DS)

By Isabel Jarvo () - 6.4 out of 10

I dig puzzle games. Hell, I'm a gamer, I like all games. But puzzle games are in my heart of hearts.

My first ever handheld video game system was the original Game Boy. It was released eight months after I was born, and I first owned one when I was six. It was second hand (from my cousins), and the battery cover was missing. Read More.

Hasbro Family Game Night: Scrabble Review (X360)

By Daniel Acaba () - 8.5 out of 10

Scrabble is probably one of the better loved board games out there on the market. Not only is it a simple enough game that most anyone can pick it up and play. However it encourages you to better your vocabulary since the smaller words won't get you any impressive point totals. Read More.

Hasbro Family Game Night: Yahtzee Review (X360)

By Daniel Acaba () - 7.4 out of 10

When my mother was teaching me how to play Yahtzee as a kid I always had problems grasping what the game was supposed to be. It's not until someone finally described it to me as "poker with dice" that it finally made a bit more sense to me. Shortly after that I started getting better at the game, able to beat my parents with fair regularity considering my age. Read More.

Battlefield 1943 Review (X360)

By Matthew Smith () - 8.5 out of 10

For years gaming has participated in a sort of entertainment arms race. Each new game has tried to up the ante in terms of graphics, AI, level size, and other areas. Those unable to keep up have fallen victim to the march of progress. But something has recently changed. Read More.

Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. Review (PS3)

By Nicholas Bale () - 7.4 out of 10

When one purchases a Tom Clancy game, generally one knows what they're getting into. Some bad guys threaten freedom, it's up to the ol' USA to win the day. Filled with military jargon, fancy equipment, and decent gameplay. Not always, but generally this is the case. Read More.

Scene It? Box Office Smash Review (X360)

By Avi Krebs () - 8.7 out of 10

Let me open this review by stating that I am old enough to admit that board gamers were a part of my childhood. They were and are still a fun and exciting form of entertainment. Thanks to the advancements in technology, many of the classic board games have made the jump to the realm of video games. Read More.

Call of Duty: World at War Review (PC)

By Alex Coulter () - 8.9 out of 10

When Infinity Ward released Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare back in 2007, the developer was met with critical acclaim and praise for breaking away from the World War II setting that had started to bog down the once revolutionary series. That made Treyarch's decision to bring the fifth installment back to the historical time period that much more confusing - why mess with success? Read More.

Hasbro Family Game Night: Boggle Review (X360)

By Nicholas Bale () - 0.0 out of 10

Boggle, part of the Hasbro Family Game Night pack, is Boggle. Not too much to go into here, gameplay-wise. I'm fairly confident that most people have played this game of words, but in case not: Boggle is a game in which you try to construct words based on a grid of letters, putting letters together with adjacent letters in order to construct the longest word possible. Read More.

Hasbro Family Game Night: Connect Four Review (X360)

By Daniel Acaba () - 8.5 out of 10

Okay, if you don't like Connect 4 then you're a heathen best used for kindling. Uhh… what I mean to say is that Connect 4 is one of the better tabletop games ever brought to our tables by Milton Bradley. Not only is it simple enough for kids to play, and even beat adults, but there is also a higher level of gameplay to be enjoyed by those who have gotten a bit more used to the higher level strategies. Read More.

Hasbro Family Game Night: Battleship Review (X360)

By Christopher Seal () - 4.5 out of 10

Battleship is a stand alone downloadable product that is one of seven games that makes up Hasbro's Family Game Night. Based on the popular Milton Bradley board game, Battleship pits you against either a friend locally (your opponent will be asked to look away while you place your ships), online or against an AI opponent with 3 difficulty levels (novice, smart and genius). Read More.

Lode Runner Review (X360)

By Eric Chiu () - 8.5 out of 10

When it comes to games, nostalgia rarely works as intended. As the waves of downloadable ports on consoles might suggest, nostalgia works well as a bullet point, but it rarely holds up to heavy scrutiny. Childhood might have been great, but it's hard to wax too nostalgic about an era without analog sticks and the ability to save games, among other modern niceties. Read More.

Puzzle Quest: Galactrix Review (X360)

By Eric Chiu () - 8.5 out of 10

As an owner and frequent user of my Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii, I'm sympathetic - if not in complete favor - towards the argument the hardcore trot out about casual gamers diluting their pastime. Enough shelf space exists for the Wii Fits and the Gears of Wars of the world, but it's hard not to feel anything beyond crippling depression for a populace that bought over 3 million copies of the aptly named Game Party. Read More.

Wanted: Weapons of Fate Review (X360)

By Chris Moore () - 6.9 out of 10

Wanted was a hit at the box office. It made millions of dollars and fans loved it. It was your standard comic book summer flick. It's only natural that someone come along and decide to make a video game based off the movie…based off the comic book. Read More.

Guitar Hero: Smash Hits Review (X360)

By Daniel Acaba () - 5.5 out of 10

It's a perfectly commonplace thing for a large video gaming company to constantly churn out sequels to a popular game series. Sometimes this can lead to some of the best games out there, as is the case with some of the Final Fantasy games, but other times it can lead to that dreaded ailment called sequelitis. Read More.

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Review (PS3)

By Christopher Seal () - 7.7 out of 10

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs was released in theatres in early July, and of course, a video game adaptation was not far behind. Normally, video games based on movies, especially children's movies, are rather hit or miss. I'm glad to say that this game at least is quite an enjoyable experience and parents whose children are fans of this series should have no problem renting or buying this game for their kids. Read More.
