Considering developer Q Entertainment's pedigree, the Meteos series can't help but feel like the odd man out by comparison. After all, the developer's trademark synesthetic touch, combining music, gameplay and head-blowing visuals into a potpourri of sensatory overstimulation, only plays a minor role here, but it's less of an issue than players might think. Read More.
The Lord of the Rings is one of the most important pieces of fantasy fiction ever written. Without it much of modern fantasy as we know it would never exist, nor would Dungeons & Dragons. While it was never really as popular as its derivative works the series received many new converts with the coming of the movies. Read More.
When dealing with a video game that is based off an anime, fans are expecting it to have at least two things: does it follow the main storyline of the series and does it have many of the key characters from the series? The short answer: yes, this game has it. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm is the game that the Naruto fans have been clamoring for. Read More.
I have traversed the snowy slopes on a snowboard once in my life, when I was in fifth grade. I was not what one would call "a pro". Maybe "a fool with limbs flailing and falling and covered in snow" would be more accurate. I didn't like going fast, and I couldn't figure out for the life of me how to stop. Read More.
The company name Capcom brings to mind several things; Street Fighter, Resident Evil, and incessantly releasing updated versions of games you already bought. While they might be the master of releasing a game, waiting a few months and then re-releasing it with a few tweaks they really seem to know their stuff when it comes to putting out top quality games. Read More.
Being fairly new to the Wii and a lover of most things Mario, I was excited to give Mario Super Sluggers a go. On the whole, I really dislike sports games, but the Mario games tend to hold my interest and are, more often than not, a lot of fun. Mario Super Sluggers is no exception on most counts. Read More.
Ever since I played my first title from Monolith Studios, I've been hooked on their quirky, unique and incredibly well designed games. From the spastic charms of games like the anime-inspired Shogo or the 60's spy motif of No One Lives Forever, to the hair-raising tension of games like Condemned and the original F. Read More.
TrackMania was one hell of a game when it came out on the PC. Instead of the standard racing style of trying to keep ahead of some AI opponents, hoping that they don't bump you into a wall and stop you cold, TrackMania goes a different route. One that spins you in circles, flips you through the air, and makes you wonder which way is up as you drive on the wall. Read More.
What if you were given the chance to play god to a race of little creatures of your own design? Would you raise them to be a peaceful, loving race? Or maybe they'd be an industrious species that knows how to produce to better their lives. Of course, there's also the option to create a race that would like nothing more than to see all other races completely eliminated from the primordial ooze, world, and galaxy. Read More.
There are games that do nothing to stand out the genre, except maybe put on a fresh coat of paint and call it a day. Many sequels do just that, then stick a big ol' number '2' at the end of the title. Then there are games like Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War II, which completely reinvents itself in nearly every way, and does a pretty good job at it too. Read More.
Movie tie-in games usually suck, but the gold standard is arguably the 1997 N64 release Goldeneye, based on the Pierce Brosnan James Bond flick of the same name. Based on this combined pedigree, the newest 007 film tie in, Quantum of Solace, had a fighting chance. Read More.
I love getting new games. When you're truly excited about a new game, you can actually feel your bottom lip tremble as you gingerly peel back the shrink wrap. If you're like me, you may even give the new game a little whiff before you pull the disc out of the case and place it in your game console. Read More.
Back in the days of the original Playstation, a little platformer that could called Spyro the Dragon was released, featuring the titular purple dragon as he went galavanting (as dragons do) across the land to save it from some absurdly-named evil guy. I think his named was something like Gnort. Read More.
In this exciting fighting game for the Wii, even people who are not fans of wrestling will find many things to love. The jumping, running, hitting, slamming, flexing actions are what the Wii remote and nunchuk were made to do. The action is as big and loud as a professional wrestler and equally entertaining in a popcorn and cotton candy kind of way. Read More.