For those of you who aren't Hanna-Barbera (creators of The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Scooby-Doo etc.) devotees, then you probably haven't heard very much about Wacky Races, a cartoon that ran in the late sixties. That property was resurrected at some point in the early 90's into a series of videogames which continues with Wacky Races: Crash & Dash, a subpar mash-up of racing and mini-games for the Nintendo DS. Read More.
As an Ottawa Senators fan, I know all about growing pains in an inaugural season. After all, my local boys had the second worst season of all time in their first year, winning only 10 of their 84 games. 2K's first effort on the Wii doesn't tread in the murky waters traversed by that early Senators team, but it has a lot of work to do before their flagship hockey franchise becomes a contender on the Wii. Read More.
Dust off your medals of honor, duty is calling you to take up arms with your brothers once more. Despite the fact that most shooter fans have singlehandedly killed more Nazis in their gaming careers than were actually killed in all of World War II, the genre continues to go on strong. Read More.
It's been a decade since the last Fallout release, and a lot has happened since then. In 2004, Interplay shut down, leaving many fans thinking the Fallout franchise could be gone forever. With the formal sale of the Fallout IP to Bethesda last year, the franchise was reborn and the next generation of the Fallout series is finally here. Read More.
It's been a decade since the last Fallout release, and a lot has happened since then. In 2004, Interplay shut down, leaving many fans thinking the Fallout franchise could be gone forever. With the formal sale of the Fallout IP to Bethesda last year, the franchise was reborn and the next generation of the Fallout series is finally here. Read More.
Giant robots are cool; plain and simple. You know it, I know it and the Armored Core series knows it. However instead of just forcing a lot of pre-built models down your throat that you may or may not like, the Armored Core series gives you a template of what you can use and just lets you run wild from there. Read More.
Tower defence has recently become its own genre as flash game development has picked up. The idea of defending a path against a near-unlimited number of random enemies using nothing but stationary defences appeals to a lot of people, and there have been quite a few games that have followed this formula. Read More.
Anyone who has played a Europa Universalis game knows that the name essentially equates to grand-scale, complex strategy. You're not just trying to win a battle, you're trying to win a world. Neither do you only have control of your military and a couple diplomatic options; you have an entire arsenal of choices at your disposal, each as effective as a full-scale conflict, many more preferable. Read More.
In some parts of the world, Dragon Ball Z has a fanatic if not cult like following. One could argue that Goku and company are almost as much a staple to video games as a certain pair of Italian plumbers. While the latter mentioned have diversified their gaming portfolio to appear in a wide variety of different genres, the cast of Dragon Ball Z fame prefer to settle their disputes with their fists. Read More.
The Immortals of Terra: A Perry Rhodan Adventure, developed by Brain Game and published by Viva Media for play on the PC, is a point-and-click Sci-Fi adventure game based on the German Sci-Fi character Perry Rhodan book series published since 1961. Perry is an immortal human who helped humans populate space amongst other alien species. Read More.
Great War Nations: The Spartans is a game that, on the outside, looks like it's trying to add some depth to the standard real-time strategy formula. Once you play it, however, you realize that there's really no depth at all, even where there should be. Read More.
It's been almost three years since Introversion released Darwinia on the Steam platform, a move that allowed them to access a much larger community than they could with Darwinia's original March 2005 release. With its simplistic graphical design and game-play that made anyone that touched the game crave for more, Darwinia became a hit beyond anything like Introversion's previous two cult classics. Read More.
I had such high hopes for this game. I really did. I loved Lego Star Wars, in spite of numerous glitches and faults. Lego Indiana Jones was passable, but still decent. Lego Batman? It might as well be their first attempt at a Lego game, instead of their third. Read More.
Have you ever felt that games were just too easy these days? Do you yearn for a simpler time when video games were more concerned with repeatedly killing your digital avatar and then gloating about it? Well then you will most certainly want to download one of the hardest, most frustrating and most enjoyable gaming experiences released to a downloadable service near you. Read More.
Two years later and no word of a cease and desist from Rockstar games yet. So here we are reviewing Saints Row 2. In all honesty, the Saints Row series is finding its niche target within the free roaming crime subgenre. It will appeal to those who felt the hastened gameplay of GTA: Vice City, and/or San Andreas was more appealing than that of GTA IV, albeit without the auto-lock aiming. Read More.