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Saints Row 2 Review (X360)

By Warren Dunlop () - 8.6 out of 10

Two years later and no word of a cease and desist from Rockstar games yet. So here we are reviewing Saints Row 2. In all honesty, the Saints Row series is finding its niche target within the free roaming crime subgenre. It will appeal to those who felt the hastened gameplay of GTA: Vice City, and/or San Andreas was more appealing than that of GTA IV, albeit without the auto-lock aiming. Read More.

Too Human Review (X360)

By Michael Calva () - 7.1 out of 10

After years of development and console side-stepping, Silicon Knights finally revealed its freshest role-playing game for the Xbox 360 console: Too Human. While close to a million gamers downloaded the demo over the Xbox Live Marketplace, there was some disparagement seen throughout its initial user reviews. Read More.

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith Review (PS3)

By Daniel Acaba () - 6.0 out of 10

From the very beginning Guitar Hero: Aerosmith sounds like a pretty bad idea. Hearing that the Guitar Hero makers were going to make a game using just a single band might cause you to think that they were missing the point entirely. However that is a knee-jerk reaction, looking more closely at it reveals that this is a rather good idea. Read More.

Crysis Warhead Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 8.3 out of 10

In the original Crysis, you fought off North Koreans, discovered an extra-terrestrial plot, and began the fight for humanity, all as the special-ops agent codenamed Nomad. But as you saved the day in the main storyline, your cohort Psycho was off on his own mission. Read More.

Looney Tunes: Cartoon Conductor Review (DS)

By Baldwin Tong () - 6.6 out of 10

Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, Daffy Duck and Wile E. Coyote are just some of the classic characters to be found in Looney Tunes: Cartoon Conductor, Amaze Entertainment's rhythm game for the Nintendo DS. The basic setup of the game is about as you'd expect: the Tasmanian Devil has broken into the Warner Bros. Read More.

Singstar 90's Review (PS2)

By Shawn Snider () - 8.2 out of 10

Throughout its run on the PlayStation 2, the SingStar franchise has remained largely consistent - each release uses essentially the same formula with a different song pack. From Rocks, to Pop, to 80's, and pretty much everything in between, there hasn't been a lot of variation. Read More.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Review (X360)

By Chris Moore () - 8.0 out of 10

In Star Wars games that have Jedi as a predominate role; lightsaber combat usually takes center stage when fighting. However, with the release of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, the spotlight has shifted to the thing that makes a Jediā€¦.well, a Jedi: the Force. Read More.

Guitar Hero: On Tour Review (DS)

By Nicholas Bale () - 6.6 out of 10

Guitar Hero has been a popular series since its release many years ago, allowing anyone to fulfill their fantasy of becoming a Rock God by strumming their way through a variety of popular music. For the first time, it has now hit the portable market in the form of Guitar Hero: On Tour for the Nintendo DS (not to be confused with World Tour, its next-gen console sibling). Read More.

Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis Review (PC)

By Michael Calva () - 7.1 out of 10

Nemesis, indeed. Back in the beginning of the 20th Century, author Maurice Leblanc introduced a new kind of literary protagonist, Mr. Arsene Lupin. A well-behaved thief, a "gentleman thief" in so many words, Lupin starred in over twenty volumes, and came to be very popular in France. Read More.

Dark Sector Review (X360)

By Daniel Acaba () - 7.5 out of 10

Wasn't this game supposed to have come out a few years ago? There's a very clear memory of it having been announced as some sort of next-gen space action adventure type game. Many things have changed since the game was first announced; a futuristic sci-fi setting gave way to a game set in a modern day eastern bloc country. Read More.

Overlord: Raising Hell Review (PS3)

By Daniel Acaba () - 7.7 out of 10

Have you ever played a game and, while being asked to save a town, wished you could just pillage it instead? Are you sick of all those fawning peasants who are constantly asking for you to gather up their chickens for them? Ever wanted to see some poor village girls scantily clad and cleaning your tower? Read More.

Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy Review (X360)

By Daniel Acaba () - 6.6 out of 10

Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Identity was one of the most thrilling movies to grace the silver screen in the past few years. It simplified the story from the novel quite a bit but it still managed to retain the central premise of a government killer gone rogue. However the movie cleaves out a lot of the back-story and generally simplifies the story to the point that even the most ADHD college frat boys could follow it. Read More.

Kung Fu Panda Review (PS3)

By Alex Coulter () - 7.8 out of 10

Since the release of E.T for the Atari 2600 in 1982, video games based on movies have gotten a pretty bad rap - and for good reason. Often under developed, rushed, and simply not fun, these quick cash-ins are the lowest of the low in the video game industry. So low, in fact, that when a video game based on a movie that isn't terrible comes along, it's quite the pleasant surprise. Read More.

Roogoo Review (X360)

By Daniel Acaba () - 8.0 out of 10

Reviewing puzzle games is never an easy thing to do. Most of them feature rather threadbare audio and video, sacrificing just about everything to work on the gameplay. While this makes for better games it usually leaves critics in an often confusing situation of having to grade them quite differently. Read More.

Crazy Machines 2 Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 7.4 out of 10

When I first saw a gameplay video for Crazy Machines 2, a lot of thoughts ran through my head. Thoughts like: why haven't I heard of this before, is this a spiritual sequel to The Incredible Machine series, and how many different objects can they fit into this game? Read More.
