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Conflict: Denied Ops Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 4.5 out of 10

Okay, let's first make this known: as far as the Conflict series goes, Denied Ops is not something that has much in common with the rest of the series. Tactics have been replaced with run-and-gun gameplay, the third person has been chocked in favour of the first-person, and the once-four-man team is now two. Read More.

MX vs ATV Untamed Review (PSP)

By James Ewert () - 5.5 out of 10

MX vs ATV Untamed is a multi-vehicle racing experience developed by Rainbow Studios published by THQ for the PSP, PS2, PS3, X360, DS, and Wii. I haven't played any of the previous MX vs ATV games nor Untamed on any of the next generation systems; my experience with this series is strictly the PS2 and PSP versions. Read More.

NeoGeo Battle Coliseum Review (PS2)

By Nicholas Bale () - 6.9 out of 10

Let's start this by saying that I am not what one would call hardcore when it comes to fighting games. I do, however, live with someone who is. His constant litany of advantages, combos, and, good lord, frame counting, makes me cringe at times. This does not prevent me from enjoying a decent fighter now and again, and though I may not know how to execute a 100%-damage combo (it can be done in some recent titles, trust me), I do know how to enjoy a game. Read More.

The Experiment Review (PC)

By Michael Calva () - 7.2 out of 10

A crashed supertanker has become overgrown and dilapidated, and its previous inhabitants have had it loaded it to the brim with high-end technology and a wide variety of cameras and trendy gadgets. Read More.

WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2008 Review (PS2)

By Avi Krebs () - 6.9 out of 10

Seven; that is the number of Smackdown games that has been released on the PS2. This kind of longevity on one console is matched by very few. Outside of the annual EA sports titles, and those games featuring that Tony Hawk guy, the boys from THQ have been giving Sony gamers the right to "Just Bring It", "Shut your Mouth", and telling us "Here Comes the Pain" and more. Read More.

WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2008 Review (DS)

By Curt Alderson () - 6.1 out of 10

Perhaps the most interesting of the different versions of Smackdown, the 2008 version is available on the DS for the first time. But get this, it doesn't use any buttons. It is played entirely with the stylus and the touch screen. The DS version is essentially a stripped down version of the console edition, no character creation, and it only offers one-on-one matches. Read More.

Omega Five Review (X360)

By Daniel Acaba () - 8.5 out of 10

One of the arguments that come up amongst video gamers is what generation of games were the best. Surely each of them has their own merits but some carry fonder memories of some consoles, and gaming generations, than others. One person might swear up and down that the Super Nintendo days were the best thanks to their staggeringly incredible line up of RPGs while another might balk at those "unsophisticated" graphics and praise the days that brought us Final Fantasy 7. Read More.

WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2008 Review (X360)

By Curt Alderson () - 7.7 out of 10

For most sports games today, every new year means a new version. All we need are better graphics, updated characters, and hopefully some new system of play to justify the need for an upgrade. Smackdown VS RAW 2008 is the latest wrestling game to hit the market. Read More.

MX vs ATV Untamed Review (PS2)

By James Ewert () - 4.5 out of 10

MX vs ATV Untamed is a multi-vehicle racing experience developed by Rainbow Studios and Incinerator Studios published by THQ for the PS2, PS3, X360, DS, and Wii. It should be noted that from my research Rainbow Studios was the developer on the various other systems with Incinerator being the principle developer for the PS2 version. Read More.

Zoo Tycoon 2 DS Review (DS)

By Nicholas Bale () - 7.0 out of 10

Hey, I know what you're thinking: you're thinking that you've always wanted to run a zoo, aren't you? Aren't you? Okay me neither, but then, I never thought I'd want to be a guy who gets shot repeatedly and games have proved me wrong in this regard countless times. Read More.

Turok Review (X360)

By Daniel Acaba () - 6.2 out of 10

Any game developers out there who are looking to create an ambitious title should heed Turok as the portent of warning that it is. Nay, this is not just a game, this is a harbinger of the dark times, the times wherein those who seek to create games too big for them to handle are to be smote. Read More.

Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom Review (X360)

By Avi Krebs () - 7.3 out of 10

Action RPG games, the hack-and-slash variety are plentiful among most every platform. On the PC, you've got the traditional Diablo series, PlayStation has Untold Legends, the original Xbox had the impressive Knights of the Old Republic and its sequel, and even the Game Boy has the Shining Soul. Read More.

Lost Odyssey Review (X360)

By Andrew Sztein () - 8.3 out of 10

Hironubu Sakaguchi is a legend among game developers.

The man responsible for putting the Final Fantasy series on the map has been doing his own thing recently by making games for the Xbox 360 under the Mistwalker moniker. Mistwalker's first title, Blue Dragon, was an interesting, yet ultimately unfulfilling adventure that was too immature and sugary sweet to hold most adult Xbox gamers' attention. Read More.

MX vs ATV Untamed Review (PS3)

By Andrew Sztein () - 6.3 out of 10

Tune your TV to any sports station on a Saturday afternoon and you'll likely either see people flying off jumps on dirt bikes, or D-list celebrities sitting around a table playing poker. It's debatable which activity has the bigger fanbase, but unlike televised poker, the appeal of motocross is easy to see. Read More.

MX vs ATV Untamed Review (X360)

By Andrew Sztein () - 6.8 out of 10

Tune your TV to any sports station on a Saturday afternoon and you'll likely either see people flying off jumps on dirt bikes, or D-list celebrities sitting around a table playing poker. It's debatable which activity has the bigger fanbase, but unlike televised poker, the appeal of motocross is easy to see. Read More.
