A few months ago when I reviewed Tomb Raider Anniversary, I thought it was a superb example of how to remake a classic game. The graphics were great, the controls solid, the storyline improved, and the game immersive. Since the game proved popular enough on the PS2 and the PC when it first came out, it was only a matter of time until Crystal Dynamics would begin distributing the game on every other system known to man. Read More.
If you just can't get enough of that loveable green ogre, here's an opportunity to have all your favorite characters from the Shrek movies in one puzzle game. Movie related games aren't usually considered the best of the batch and Shrek-n-Roll is no exception. Granted, this is an Xbox Live Arcade game that costs around ten dollars, but even then, I want my ten dollars worth. Read More.
The insane variety of games out there on Xbox Live Arcade is quite staggering. You have all sorts of older games, like Joust and Gauntlet, as well as originals such as Hexic and Space Giraffe. However you will usually find that some of these games are average at best and others are bad rip-offs of other games at worst. Read More.
Up until E3 a few years ago, I'd never heard of Guitar Hero. Yet, only a short time later, it's a household name and a staple among gamers' top lists. With Harmonix off producing Rock Band and taking the code behind Guitar Hero with it, one wasn't quite sure what to expect with a new developer. Read More.
The setting of World War II has been home to dozens of first-person shooters over the years, but oddly, it never held that much of an interest for turn-based strategy developers. Panzer Tactics DS is the latest title to enter this moment of history, letting you play as all sides as you stretch your strategic mind. Read More.
I have suddenly been put in the position of reviewing a game that is clearly not made for me in any way. It's the Big Game, Charlie Brown! is a title made for the younger gamers in the crowd, and so to have me play it creates something of a challenge as I try to view the title not for its ability to entertain the typical gamer, but for its potential to entertain someone a little smaller. Read More.
Video games have looked to film for source material for some time, but every once in awhile, a developer will release a title that blends interactivity with cinematic presentation in a way that redefines a genre. Been there, done that for BioWare. 2003's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic bonded lightsabers with an innovative dialogue-tree system, granting the player a timeless space-based choose-your-own-adventure. Read More.
Godzilla: Unleashed is the gigantic foam-suit flop available for the Wii and PS2 developed by Pipeworks and published by Atari. There's word online that a PSP version is planned for 2008 and I can only sacrifice so many Care Bears to the video game gods in hopes that this doesn't happen. Read More.
After playing the Tabula Rasa beta, I was left with a bitter taste in my mouth. Here was the new "revolutionary" MMORPG that didn't seem very revolutionary at all. You still had the same level-grind of "kill X number of Y", the same UI and the same mindless banter in world chat. Read More.
My Word Coach is one of those rare few games that isn't really a game, it is a horrible trick played on young children. When they open up their birthday gift, one that obviously is shaped like either a video game or movie, and they see it I doubt their reaction is anything other than confusion. Read More.
The legacy of Conan the Barbarian is a storied one. While the original Robert E. Howard novels about him are some of the best fantasy reads you will get your hands on, with the comics coming in close second, the video games with his name have been iffy at best. Read More.
I love it when a medical game offers you the warning that 'the surgeries preformed in the game are different from ones performed in real life and should not be attempted at home.' To me, it means that the game is so realistic as to merge reality with the gaming world, or, it means that the game is trying to set the bar high and ends up falling far short. Read More.
There was a time when Mario and Sonic meant something.It was the era of the 16 bit. When 2D sprites roamed the earth. Mario was in our hearts and in our happy meals, while Sonic taught us how to run. Taken together, they were the polar opposites of planet gaming. Read More.
A proving ground is what the military calls a reserve used to test new technology, weapons, and tactics. What we have to figure out with Tony Hawk's Proving Ground is if the name refers to the game being an exploration of skating styles, like rigging, hardcore, and career, or if the game is simply an experiment to see where Neversoft will go with their next proper instalment to the series. Read More.
As a novice Wii enthusiast, I must admit I was afraid to tackle a game as epic as Ubisoft's Rayman Raving Rabbids 2. This was the title being sold as 'the party game' by my friends in the gaming world. I was afraid that my inexperience would be blatantly apparent the second I opened the case. Read More.