Sophia grew up in Ottawa, Ontario and now resides in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. She's been playing video/computer games for as far back as she can remember, starting with computer games at her dad's office on amber monochrome monitors. It all went downhill after she received a hand-me-down Atari 2600. With her younger brother, they'd spend their entire childhood saving up every penny they had to buy the latest Super Mario and Final Fantasy game.
Some of her favourite classic games include: Final Fantasy IV, Secret of Mana, Super Mario 3, King's Quest V and Monkey Island. She likes to try different games and will play any genre as long as it's fun.
Her other hobbies include: snowboarding, photography, writing, movies, food, playing with her two adorable dogs, driving her mini and music. When she's not busy doing any of the above, she's most likely napping or wasting time on the Internet.