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RACE 07 - The Official WTCC Game Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 8.0 out of 10

When I received Race 07, I jumped into a race immediately, figuring I'd pick up things as I went along. I mean, heck, I don't remember the last time I had to read an instruction booklet. I'd do fine. And the first race began, and I went zipping past the drivers. Read More.

Tron Review (X360)

By Daniel Acaba () - 3.5 out of 10

For anyone that isn't already familiar with Tron, it's beyond your time and it's hard to suggest picking it up now. The sad fact is that this game will very likely find little, if any, support amongst the younger generation. And by younger I mean anyone who never played this in the arcades, as you'll find this edition to be one of the worst games ever added to Xbox Live Arcade. Read More.

MX vs ATV Untamed Review (DS)

By Andrew Sztein () - 5.9 out of 10

Rainbow Studios has made a killing on their ATV franchises. Getting its start on the PS2 as ATV Off-Road Fury, Rainbow has sold millions of copies of their yearly instalments. Now that THQ is holder of the licence, the franchise has free reign to appear on several other platforms, including the new DS iteration. Read More.

Tomb Raider: Anniversary Review (X360)

By Andrew Sztein () - 7.9 out of 10

Just like they did with Tomb Raider Legend, the sales success of Tomb Raider anniversary has prompted Eidos to publish it on every system known to man, and now it's available on the Xbox 360. While it is still the definitive version of the game, it's a shame that the experience wasn't more optimized for the 360's capabilities. Read More.

Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command Review (DS)

By Nicholas Bale () - 5.0 out of 10

The Warhammer 40K world has been around for quite some time, at least on tabletops. Figurines, landscapes, and strategy all have been going hand in hand for many years now. Considering the amount of strategy involved in the game, it's a surprise it's taken this long for someone to create a turn-based title that effectively embodies the nature of the original game. Read More.

Godzilla: Unleashed Review (Wii)

By Isabel Jarvo () - 1.4 out of 10

I get it, karma, I've learned my lesson: never just smile and accept whatever assignment I'm offered. Thank you karma, for sending the worst game on the planet my way. To be frank, I don't even know where to start. Read More.

Cyberball 2072 Review (X360)

By Bill Stepec () - 7.0 out of 10

I think I made a huge mistake.

These were the first words to leave my mouth after loading up Cyberball 2072. Not that I was about to play a bad game, I just didn't know what I was getting into when I took on the game. I had confused Cyberball, an old-school American football game, with Rollerball, an old-school pinball game. Read More.

Penumbra: Black Plague Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 7.8 out of 10

What does it take to make a game scare you? Is it the shadows, curling around you like the cold embrace of the night? Or how about hollow sounds, echoing down a hallway, reminding you that you are not alone? Is it quick surprises or long, drawn out suspenseful moments where you have time to wonder what, exactly, is breathing on the other side of that door? Read More.

TimeShift Review (X360)

By Alex Coulter () - 6.9 out of 10

Last year was a big one for first person shooters. Gaming juggernauts such as Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, Crysis, BioShock received critical acclaim for helping make 2007 one of the industry's biggest years ever. With so many hits in one genre, it makes it easy to distinguish the great games from the mediocre ones. Read More.

Next Life Review (PC)

By Michael Calva () - 5.0 out of 10

As an adventure game junky and a lover of grand stories to boot, I had high hopes for Next Life, a game that seemed to promise fun exploration and a worthy quest. Developed by Future Games and published by The Adventure Company, Next Life's story revolves around man from Prague, Adam Raichl, whose life is swiftly snatched away by an explosive accident. Read More.

Speedball 2 Tournament Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 6.0 out of 10

Speedball 2 - Tournament revives a popular classic with a new coat of paint and a bit of polish, but keeps the classic gameplay from the original. This brings back a lot of memories, but also raises a bunch of new problems. While some fans of the classic might like the new title, there are issues that arise that will bug both them and those who have never heard of Speedball before. Read More.

Empire Earth III Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 3.2 out of 10

I am so tired of playing this game.

As I write this first paragraph, I have a campaign battle going on in front of me. My trebuchets are running in circles, my archers can't get the hint that when I tell them to move to point A, I mean that I would like them to move to point A, you know, now. Read More.

Star Trek: Conquest Review (Wii)

By Bill Stepec () - 4.0 out of 10

While fate may protect the Enterprise and her crew, it can do little to protect a dying franchise from lousy games given a sci-fi skin and the tag "Star Trek", as is the tendency with franchised software. Yet fate has thrown another curveball at this critic and aforementioned IP - this game is not only fun to play, it makes some hard gameplay decisions, most of which really work. Read More.

The King of Fighters XI Review (PS2)

By Daniel Acaba () - 6.0 out of 10

Another year, another King of Fighters game. The type of game that brings about a certain breed of gamer. They mostly appeal to hardcore 2D gamers or those who have been into the series for years and with how little they have changed they don't really draw in much in the ways of new players. Read More.

Hellgate: London Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 7.0 out of 10

So demons have invaded and are destroying the world. What're you going to do? Well, gather loot and upgrade your stats, of course! Hellgate: London is a typical dungeon-crawling, loot-collecting hack-and-slash game, and while it does a lot of things right, it seems that whenever is done well, there's something else that just seems to fall flat. Read More.
