I have a bone to pick with Tom Clancy. In the past ten years, I've given most of his franchises the ol' college try, only to give up in frustration because his games are simply too realistic for my tastes. Rainbow Six, Splinter Cell, and even the older Ghost Recon games gave me fits of anger that belies my easygoing demeanor. Read More.
I know what you're thinking. Video games are fun, but there just aren't enough worms exploding on the screens. Well, worry no more: the worms are back to blow each other up in the latest installment of the Worms series. Fans of the games will immediately slip into the old steps of blowing up the worms of others, while newcomers will question what they are doing, before slipping into the groove of blowing up other worms as well. Read More.
When it comes to action games, it's hard to beat the Ninja Gaiden franchise. On the Xbox, Ninja Gaiden redefined 3D action games by bringing an addictive and deep fighting system, coupled with great visuals and production quality. The subsequent Ninja Gaiden Black gave players even more reason to get on the Ninja bandwagon as it brought new enemies and missions. Read More.
Halo has been a top seller for more than a couple years now. The series has been well received and made Bungie a lot of cash in the meantime. Halo 2 itself was released on the Xbox in 2004 and was a great success. But after waiting three years and then go as far as to use it as a selling point to upgrade your rig to Vista is just plain crazy. Read More.
Originally named Jehanne, Jeanne d'Arc would be her modern French name, and in English literature she would be known as Joan of Arc. A story of a woman that lead the French into battle with the supposed help of god as her guide, Jeanne led them to a seemingly impossible victory over the English in the early 1400's. Read More.
It must be tough being Link. It seems that no matter how many great evils and destroyer of worlds he vanquishes, there's always one more to step up to play the part of tyrant oppressor. Link's new adventure, Phantom Hourglass, proves to be a classic title that merges classic top-down Zelda gameplay with a new style of controls that function exceptionally well. Read More.
Rainbow Six was one of the first tactical shooters to hit the market back in the day. Since then, the series has continued a strong following with some hits and misses between subsequent iterations. The new game to hit the series is Rainbow Six Vegas, and it offers some considerable improvements in terms of team play and action. Read More.
Dead Head Fred for the PSP is a wild video game experience that raises the bar for PSP gaming entertainment. The title serves a unique blend of old school 1930's mob movies mixed with creepy environments usually attributed to Tim Burton. The game features killer graphics (no pun intended), and showcase the preeminent voice of sarcasm: John C. Read More.
Chow Yun Fat knows a thing or two about puttin' holes in bad guys. But Midway? Not impressed, apparently. More than 50 action films across a 33-year career seems like a decent enough resume for the Hong Kong actor -- Midway could've just plopped Chow into the game, given him some gangsters to gun down, and called it a day. Read More.
It has been only a few months since SNK-Playmore released the Art of Fighting Anthology and now another fighting franchise has arrived on the PS2. Despite the somewhat complex title, Fatal Fury Battle Archives Volume 1 provides gamers with the first four Fatal Fury games all on one disc. Read More.
Forgive me, MotoGP opponents. After scouring the track for chain-whips, baseball bats, and crowbars, I got frustrated. I got impatient. Even if the way you ragdolled against the pavement was pretty cool, I didn't mean to rear-end your ride at 180 mph, really. My last bike-based game was Road Rash! Read More.
Some may remember posters and standees at the local video game store for the Red Star over a year ago. Sadly this was the last game Akklaim almost finished. For whatever reason the company folded without completing the title, but thankfully, XS games picked up, and released it for the PS2. Read More.
From the creator of Tetris, Alexey Pajitnov, comes another addictive puzzle game called Hexic 2, an upgraded version of Hexic HD that shipped with the Xbox 360. This game strangely looks like Bejeweled, the latest puzzle game phenomenon, but Hexic 2 requires you to rotate clusters of hexagons, rather than swapping jewels in a square grid. Read More.
Like many Canadian gamers, I breathlessly anticipate each new installment of video game hockey. Ever since NHLPA 93 on the Super NES, I've been an avid hockey gamer each and every season, guiding my beloved Ottawa Senators to the ultimate prize that they just can't seem to win in the real world. Read More.