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Art of Fighting Anthology Review (PS2)

By Avi Krebs () - 6.0 out of 10

I've been a fan of fighting games for longer then I can remember, so you can imagine the excitement to be had when I got a chance to pick up and play not just one, but all three of the Art of Fighting games in one nice little package. After playing through this disc rather vigorously I came to the conclusion that each AoF game is indeed a near identical copy to the ones that I played in the arcades over ten years ago. Read More.

Surf's Up Review (Wii)

By Nicholas Bale () - 6.4 out of 10

Welcome to the sunny sands of Pen Gu island, where the sun is high, the waves are higher, the weather is perfect, and the penguins surf. A chicken, too.

Surf's Up is based on the movie with the same name. Seven characters from the film make their appearance as playable ("surfable") characters, as does another eighth character, which makes a guest appearance from another film. Read More.

Driver '76 Review (PSP)

By Andrew Sztein () - 3.5 out of 10

One of the most interesting phenomenons within all disciplines is the "one-hit wonder". Someone comes out of the blue to deliver a product that people gobble up quickly and enthusiastically, before parasitically moving on to their next chunk of entertainment. It happens with books (The Da Vinci Code), movies (Ask anyone if they liked any of M. Read More.

Dragon's Lair Blu-ray Review (PS3)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 5.8 out of 10

The oft-released Dragon's Lair seems such a staple of video game history that it may well seem that anything negative said about it is a knock against the entire industry, but unfortunately it must be said; while the game may have pioneered new technology and a new way to mesh interactivity into gaming, it simply doesn't transcend to the lofty plateau of being called a classic. Read More.

MLB '07: The Show Review (PSP)

By James Ewert () - 8.3 out of 10

MLB'07 The Show is a high-octane baseball title developed by 989 Sports and published by SCEA for the PSP. The Show promises to raise the bar over their '06 title with Adaptive Pitching Intelligence, Road to the Show career mode, Pitch Command System, and Online Suite features. Read More.

The Sacred Rings Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 4.6 out of 10

Ah, Myst! If only you had known that your conception would've brought about a flurry of clones in your wake, each one trying to reach the heights of success that you did. The Sacred Rings for the PC is just one of many of these clones, a sequel to Aura: Fate of the Ages. Read More.

UFO: Afterlight Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 7.8 out of 10

The survival of man is once again at stake from alien creatures, and once again, it's up to you to save them in this latest instalment of the UFO series. It's more of the same gameplay, but unfortunately that means both good and bad things for the player. Read More.

MLB '07: The Show Review (PS2)

By Avi Krebs () - 8.3 out of 10

At first glance MLB 07 the Show looks nearly identical to last year's edition, a trend that seems to plague many sports franchises after many outings. A few new gameplay tweaks and an innovative new Road to the Show career mode are the most noticeable additions to this year's offering. Read More.

Shadowrun Review (X360)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 6.7 out of 10

As a person who enjoys movies immensely, there's nothing more I hate than seeing a trailer that gives away everything; the premise, the plot twists, the characterization, the set-pieces and the conclusion. But it happens. In fact, Hollywood will show you anything to get you into theaters even if the end product is not as good as its own trailer. Read More.

Infernal Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 5.2 out of 10

Infernal seems promising at first: the classic heaven-versus-hell storyline, shiny graphics, and hellish powers. What could go wrong? Apparently, a lot. More specifically, nothing seems to be right. Frankly, it seems that there's nothing to the game itself, and that feeling permeates to almost every element of the title. Read More.

Guitar Hero II Review (X360)

By Shawn Snider () - 8.8 out of 10

Originally released on the PS2 late last year, Guitar Hero II is the follow-up to arguably the best music game of all time. Only a few years ago, the thought of a game that required an external peripheral generally alienated gamers, with a few notable exceptions (Duck Hunt anyone? Read More.

ArmA: Combat Operations Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 7.4 out of 10

Welcome to the battlefield, soldier. It's time to suit up, ship out, and make sure to take out the enemies before they get you in your sights. Do this, and you may survive long enough to actually live until tomorrow. Fail, and you'll be returning home in a bag - paper or plastic? Read More.

Prince of Persia: Rival Swords Review (Wii)

By Andrew Sztein () - 7.0 out of 10

Is there anything sweeter than cold pizza the morning after a party? An odd way to begin a review I know, but bear with me. When Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones was released in December of 2005, it was the video game equivalent of a premium pizza. You know, the kind that has cheese that stretches for miles when you take a slice, littered with delicious toppings, and a crust so thick you can use it as a floatation device. Read More.

Chili Con Carnage Review (PSP)

By Andrew Sztein () - 7.1 out of 10

The shooter genre is still waiting for its handheld killer app. Both major handheld systems have their hardware issues that prevent them from producing a superlative shooting experience. Still, that hasn't stopped many game developers from giving it the old college try. Read More.
