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Eragon Review (X360)

By Nicholas Bale () - 5.3 out of 10

It must be quite a challenge to go from a book full of adventure, action, and magic, and somehow turn it into a game that doesn't contain any of those things. Eragon seems like one of those stories that's perfect for a video game. A fantastic world filled with dragons and swordplay, but there just isn't enough here to make it anything worthwhile. Read More.

Galactic Civilizations II: Dark Avatar Review (PC)

By Shawn Snider () - 9.0 out of 10

Released last year, Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords was really a gem in the rough. A turn-based strategy game based on the "4X" concept (explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate), Dread Lords pushed the boundaries of being too complex for beginners. And although it had an incredibly steep learning curve, it had near limitless potential with the sheer level of customization available, and was simply one of the best strategy games of the year. Read More.

Full Auto 2: Battlelines Review (PS3)

By Warren Dunlop () - 7.2 out of 10

The most fulfilling sight to see in a video game is something plain old getting wrecked. Most gamers love to kick the bologna out of another vehicle, making it explode into a billion pieces. Just like Oscar Mayer Weiner, everyone's in love with eye-drying speed too. Read More.

Cloning Clyde Review (X360)

By Warren Dunlop () - 7.5 out of 10

What game offers the ability to be a Chicken, an ape, a barrel of TNT, a frog, a sheep, a rock, or a mutant? Only one: Cloning Clyde, a side-scrolling platformer by NinjaBee and exclusively on Xbox Live. The game features a group of identical clones all named Clyde, working together to try to escape the laboratory in which they were created, and now are being held captive. Read More.

Formula One Championship Edition Review (PS3)

By Shawn Snider () - 7.6 out of 10

It's widely known that the PS3 has few exclusive games at this point, with the only "pure" racing games being Ridge Racer 8 and the recently-released MotorStorm. And while Formula One Championship Edition isn't going to encourage naysayers to run out and pick up a PS3, it's a welcome addition to the series and the PS3 in general. Read More.

Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 5.6 out of 10

With the 2005 release of "And Then There Were None", based on the Agatha Christie novel of the same name, it seemed only a matter of time before one of her more famous pieces, Murder on the Orient Express, was turned into an interactive experience. While the game matches to the story for the most part, the developers took a few liberties in certain plot points and characters, including adding a couple endings to the twist. Read More.

Viva Pinata Review (X360)

By Alan Palmer () - 8.6 out of 10

Let me tell you about this amazing little island just south of Mexico. Spend just a few hours in the gardens of Pinata Island and you'll always want to come back. Beautiful trees, flowers, ponds, and lush green grass stretch as far as the eye can see. The place is crawling with these crazy little paper animals, filled with candy; pure sweet candy. Read More.

Secrets of the Ark Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 8.0 out of 10

George Stobbart of previous Broken Sword fame is back, but this time he's left his adventurous life behind. He's settled down in a quiet job as a bail bondsman, but it's not long before a woman enters his office, followed by a whole boatload of trouble. Before you or George realize it, a plot of powerful implications unfolds that has ol' Stobbart caught up in ancient legends that threaten more than just his life. Read More.

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Review (PSP)

By Nicholas Bale () - 8.3 out of 10

The previous Metal Gear Solid games for the PSP required some turn-based gameplay that I always found it difficult to get into. So when I found out that MGS: Portable Ops would be returning to the stealth-and-shoot gameplay traditionally seen in the PlayStation and PlayStation 2 editions, I was relieved. Read More.

Call of Duty 3 Review (X360)

By Warren Dunlop () - 8.3 out of 10

Passing on a series like Call of Duty to a fellow developer must be like losing a baby to some, especially when you've seen it grow to romp in a successful manner. Treyarch took Call of Duty with 'Big Red One', and has continued since to bring us this magnificent sequel. Read More.

Call of Duty 3 Review (PS3)

By Warren Dunlop () - 8.1 out of 10

Passing on a series like Call of Duty to a fellow developer must be like losing a baby to some, especially when you've seen it grow to romp in a successful manner. Treyarch took Call of Duty with 'Big Red One', and has continued since to bring us this magnificent sequel. Read More.

Call of Duty 3 Review (PS2)

By Warren Dunlop () - 7.9 out of 10

Passing on a series like Call of Duty to a fellow developer must be like losing a baby to some, especially when you've seen it grow to romp in a successful manner. Treyarch took Call of Duty with 'Big Red One', and has continued since to bring us this magnificent sequel. Read More.

Fuzion Frenzy 2 Review (X360)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 5.1 out of 10

I am not a fan of party games or compilation games. Actually, strike that: I am not a fan of bad party games or bad compilation games. The problem is that there are more bad ones than good ones. And if you're creating a title with 30, 40 or even 70 mini-games, how good, deep or polished can each game really be? Read More.

Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner Review (PSP)

By James Ewert () - 6.5 out of 10

Monster King Jewel Summoner (herein known as MKJS) is an RPG developed by Gaia and produced by Atlus for the PSP. MKJS presents a fantasy world where a long history of respectful human/monster co-habitation has evolved into human fear and attacking monsters. The life force of the attacking monsters can be trapped into Jewels to be invoked by either a "Jewel Summoner" (the good guys) or nefarious supernatural evildoers known as "Abominations". Read More.

Super Swing Golf Review (Wii)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 8.5 out of 10

There was a dark period in my life when I was addicted to MMO's; WoW, Lineage 2, FFXI, City of Heroes/Villains, I played them all. And then I discovered "free" MMO's, the kind that you can play for free and only pay real-world money to buy in-game items that could "assist" you in your quest. Read More.
