Based on the original Massive Assault game, and a sequel to the first online strategy game in the series, Massive Assault Network 2 is here to pit players from the Free Nations Union against those from the Phantom League in devastating online battles. Set a few hundred years into the future, these two nations are battling for control over twenty-five incredible planets. Read More.
A mysterious explosion occurred in 1908, in the Tunguska region of Siberia. This explosion, more powerful then the bomb dropped on Hiroshima at the end of the Second World War, has been shrouded in mystery, with most of the witnesses killed by the blast. So what caused this tremendous explosion? Read More.
Welcome to Palinero, the land of graphical glitches and bad translations. Published by Strategy First and developed by Apeiron, Brigade E5 is severely lacking in polish. Presenting tired concepts in a cliche storyline, don't hold your breath for any surprising plot twists. Read More.
SingStar Rocks! is the fifth instalment of Sony's SingStar franchise It features thirty new songs to appeal to party crowds, where you can sing solo, duets, with your friends or battle it out against them. SingStar measures your rhythm and pitch, scoring you for each. Read More.
I've been an avid fan of the GTA franchise since the days of the original 2D environments. When GTA III introduced us to a living breathing 3D Liberty City, I suddenly became sick with a cold and let my boss know I wouldn't be in for a couple of days. When Vice City came out I found myself in the throws of a terrible flu that just wouldn't let up until I had built Tommy Vercetti's criminal empire. Read More.
The creators of Hexic, Carbonated Games, have taken a wicked card game to the Xbox Live Arcade World, and I don't know about anyone else, but I am incredibly addicted. Released last May, UNO now has plenty of followers, multiple downloadable themed decks and it's a blast every time. Read More.
Texas Hold'em Poker has increased in popularity over the past few years with an explosive force in a barrage of poker shows, tournaments, and poker playing personalities. It was only a matter of time until this popularity hit the software market with games licensed with the names of the most popular players. Read More.
Tom Clancy has been a topmost name in innovation and quality for tactical shooters, teaming up with Ubisoft to create a successful run with Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, and of course, Rainbow Six. When such a successful series is presented with the idea of being thrown into Las Vegas, most cringed, feeling sorry for the reviews Clancy would receive, seeming more like a cash grab than anything else (CSI anyone? Read More.
It's amazing what can be accomplished with a handful of previously used concepts and carefully balanced rules. DEFCON: Everybody Dies, the latest title from UK-based Introversion Software, places you in the middle of your very own nuclear bunker, planning the demise of the world above. Read More.
Street Fighter 2 has been hailed as one of the greatest games of all time, successfully aiding in the creation of the fighting genre back in '91. This legendary title has now made its way to Xbox live, but the game has parts lost in translation, and not by any language differences. Read More.
ParaWorld is one of those games that tries a new concept or idea, but concentrates so much on that idea that it fails to bring anything terribly interesting in other areas to the table. Whenever someone asks me to describe the game to them quickly, I generally end up saying something like "It's a real-time strategy game…with dinosaurs" because really, that's all that it feels like. Read More.
Eragon is a game published by Sierra based on the new movie of the same name by 20th Century Fox. The movie is based on a novel written by Christopher Paolini (who wrote the book when he was only 15 years old) and is the first of a trilogy he has written entitled Inheritance. Read More.
Some games tend to set their goals too high, and fail to achieve them. Others however, set their goals too high, and still achieve them, but not without leaving a trail of mistakes behind in their wake. Gothic 3 is one of these games, what could have been a very enjoyable game if not for various issues that continuously crop up. Read More.
I've always loved the SOCOM series' strategic methodical gameplay based on real world events set realistic environments. The original Fireteam Bravo, released last year, was a very solid shooter with several noticeable flaws, primarily in its overly difficult controls and simplistic targeting mechanism. Read More.
Neversoft pulled a boneless on THP8; it seems ollies just don't cut it anymore. On the first announcement I had heard regarding the production of a new addition to the Tony Hawk series, I had my request papers in to our Editor-in-Chief. There was no debating in the matter, as I made it clear that on the event of GamingExcellence receiving a copy, I was to be notified without delay. Read More.