If there was ever proof that first impressions can't be trusted, Earth Defense Force 2017 is it. When I first popped the game into my 360, I thought it was a prank being played on me by my editors; a right of initiation so to speak. Read More.
Wario is out looking for treasure in his latest escapade on the Nintendo DS, and this time he's got some help. Now in its fifth outing, Master of Disguise is unlike the collections of mini games that the Wario series has previously brought to the table. This adventure puzzler begins with Wario sitting on the couch (as usual), watching a TV show about a thief, the Silver Zephyr. Read More.
So who doesn't hear "Eye of the Tiger" and immediately think of that slurry-voiced boxer from the low end of the city rising up to meet the challenge and become something? With the latest (and last, supposedly) Rocky offering on the big screen, a PSP game has been released that, despite its name, focuses on the fictional boxing legend from all six movies, not just the most recent one. Read More.
Although truly pumped and then impressed with the next-generation Project 8, the Downhill Jam line-up is starting to dirty Tony's water, possibly even drying it up a little. The THPS series has always brought about hours of enjoyment, piles of innovation, and stacks of new tricks or other features. Read More.
Redeveloped by iWin.com for Xbox Live Arcade, Jewel Quest is simply a Bejewelled clone that will set you back eight-hundred Microsoft Points. This title has twelve achievements, all pretty much acquired by beating the game four times over. The tag line will have you believe that this is a "unique new take on the classic-style matching game", and according to the official Xbox description, you'll rearrange valuable relic jewels to turn sand tiles into gold, "venturing" deeper into the jungle and "exploring" the ancient ruins of Mayan civilization while "discovering" hidden treasures and priceless artefacts. Read More.
God of War is widely regarded as one of the best action games of all time. There's nothing necessarily innovative about it, but the game borrows a lot from other titles to form a complete package. Due to the success of the first God of War, Sony saw fit to create a sequel that surpasses the original in terms of quality. Read More.
When Lumines came out on the PSP, it was an immediate and addictive hit. Though simple in concept, the game was fun and appealing to many, and the visual and audio style was a pleasant experience. For those who didn't own a PSP though, it was a long wait. Now, however, those who own PS2s can finally experience what this unique puzzle game has to offer. Read More.
Of Dragon Ball Z, I've seen a couple episodes, read a couple of the comics, and played some of the SNES games. Anything I know of the plot beyond that I've learned from friends. Often games like DBZ:BT2 are catered specifically towards fans of the series, completely alienating anyone else who just wants to play an enjoyable fighting game. Read More.
I think the best way to summarize Scurge: Hive for the Nintendo DS would be to liken it to a top-down, isometric RPG version of a Metroid game, though definitely not as good. The main character is even a female space bounty hunter in a special suit, sent on a dangerous mission. Read More.
As one of the most marketed games ever released for the PSP, Ratchet and Clank (R&C) Size Matters launched to an audience with high expectations and does not disappoint. This rendition of R&C is not a port from one of the previous PS2 titles but was developed by High Impact Games from the ground up specifically for the PSP. Read More.
Spectrobes for the Nintendo DS is one of those games that tries to put a unique spin on an established concept. Unfortunately, it's one of those games that fails to accomplish this. It takes the monster-collecting formula that became popularized ever so long ago by the Pokemon series, tries to play around with it and breathe new life into it, but just ends up becoming a hash of half-finished concepts and ideas. Read More.
When I started playing video games, I never though I'd be talking about how I have to rest between sessions to recuperate my strength and relax my shoulders. Alas, here we are. Wii Sports offers up five different events (baseball, tennis, golf, boxing, and bowling), each using the Wii remote and nunchuck in a variety of interesting ways. Read More.
I suppose if I'm to be completely honest about things; I've never really been a fan of the Rayman series. My first exposure to Rayman was on a Dreamcast demo disk (remember those?) and like all platformers, it's all hit or miss with me. Mario, Spyro, Banjo? Oh yes! Read More.
Living in a world filled with adventurers must be pretty convenient. If you've got a problem, stand outside your house, put up a little arrow pointing at you, and just wait for someone to come by, offering to solve your problem. They'll be so grateful from the experience they gain that they won't even care that you're paying them pennies for hours of labour. Read More.
Okay, so it's not exactly a popular aspiration. But what if you were told you could breed and keep ancient creatures, train your animals, and breed them for fun and profit? A little more interested now, aren't we? Read More.