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Hitman Trilogy Review (PS2)

By Nicholas Bale () - 8.0 out of 10

For anyone who has played the Hitman series, the memories of Agent 47 won't soon be forgotten. There's nothing quite like a bald head with a barcode stamped into the back to inspire some fear in his targets. Eidos has found it fit to release the three most recent games in the series as one packaged purchase, dubbed the Hitman Trilogy. Read More.

Zendoku Review (DS)

By Andrew Sztein () - 8.0 out of 10

Sudoku is the Rubik's cube for the new millennium. Everyone and their sister seem to be on the bus with a Sudoku puzzle in hand these days. Is it a fad, or is it here to stay? I don't know, but I can say without a doubt that until the Sudoku money well dries up, there will be publishers competing for your Sudoku buck. Read More.

Call for Heroes: Pompolic Wars Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 2.4 out of 10

Games have evolved over the last twenty years, and not just in terms of graphical detail, or how many particles can be independently rendered. This is referring to gradual changes in the core gameplay of video games. Way back in the days of the NES, we as gamers were content to run across and screen with no other purpose or reason than to reach the other side, collecting coins, tokens, strawberries, or lima beans along the way. Read More.

TrackMania United Review (PC)

By Sophia Tong () - 8.0 out of 10

Amidst all the racing simulation games that have been coming out in recent years, French developer Nadeo brings us TrackMania United, a not-so-realistic racing game, and the latest entry to the TrackMania series. Available in the United States via Steam download, this arcade-style game takes you back to the days where racing games were less about the cars and more about the actual racing. Read More.

Nervous Brickdown Review (DS)

By Matthew Gillis () - 7.2 out of 10

If you haven't heard of Breakout, Arkanoid or Brick Attack, then you've probably been living in a cave for past last thirty years. Being one of the great classics, many people have redeveloped Breakout with new tricks and features, but none as interesting as Arkedo's Nervous Brickdown for the Nintendo DS. Read More.

Carol Vorderman's Sudoku Review (PSP)

By Avi Krebs () - 7.5 out of 10

It's happened again. Another Sudoku game has made the transition from your daily newspaper into the world of video games. There is no shortage of comparable options out there but Eidos Interactive has brought out some serious artillery to back its game. That artillery goes by the name of Carol Vorderman; she's not only a Sudoku master, but she gets behind a very solid title that provides a bevy of over a million puzzles to solve, interesting gameplay selections and some helpful tutorial videos that could prove very useful in aiding you in your quest to knock Carol off her throne as the Sudoku master. Read More.

Infected Review (PSP)

By James Ewert () - 7.5 out of 10

Infected is a classic don't-blink-or-you're-dead zombie shooter for the PSP brought to you by Planet Moon Studios and Majesco Entertainment. It is a high-energy game that feeds off of constant action from every angle as waves of zombies test the limit of your intestinal fortitude. Read More.

GTR 2 Review (PC)

By Eduardo Araujo () - 7.9 out of 10

In the world of racing simulations, there are plenty of contenders out there. Sadly, most of the serious game developing seems to have transitioned towards the console market instead of the PC. But every once in a while, a title comes along that makes gamers take a second look at the PC for their racing fix. Read More.

Call of Juarez Review (X360)

By Andrew Sztein () - 7.7 out of 10

Ah, the old west; a tried and true tradition that has given us some of the most memorable films in Hollywood's repertoire. Since the video game industry seems to emulate a lot of Hollywood's moves, it's rather shocking that the old west isn't a more common theme in video games. Read More.

Odin Sphere Review (PS2)

By Nicholas Bale () - 8.2 out of 10

In this day and age, there are too many people counting polygons in order to justify how impressive a game looks. Everything is shader-this and lighting-that. It's refreshing, therefore, to see a game like Odin Sphere, something which eschews three dimensional models to present a lovely looking art style that looks straight out of a story book. Read More.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Review (X360)

By Warren Dunlop () - 6.6 out of 10

Cap'n Jack Sparrow is back with At World's End, but dun be makin' like pirate's gold and turn a fool, as it's far from parallel to t'movie. Disney decided not to go ahead with Dead Man's Chest aside from a couple of handhelds, and now they've attempted to squash the last two parts together in this latest release, leaving us with a mess of a story. Read More.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Review (PS3)

By Warren Dunlop () - 6.5 out of 10

Cap'n Jack Sparrow is back with At World's End, but dun be makin' like pirate's gold and turn a fool, as it's far from parallel to t'movie. Disney decided not to go ahead with Dead Man's Chest aside from a couple of handhelds, and now they've attempted to squash the last two parts together in this latest release, leaving us with a mess of a story. Read More.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Review (PC)

By Warren Dunlop () - 6.2 out of 10

Cap'n Jack Sparrow is back with At World's End, but dun be makin' like pirate's gold and turn a fool, as it's far from parallel to t'movie. Disney decided not to go ahead with Dead Man's Chest aside from a couple of handhelds, and now they've attempted to squash the last two parts together in this latest release, leaving us with a mess of a story. Read More.

Shrek the Third Review (X360)

By Andrew Sztein () - 4.5 out of 10

As I write this review, I have to ask a question: What is the point? Sure, I could trash this game, point out all of its faults, but what well would that do? Everyone who intends to purchase this game for their kids (or themselves) has already made up their minds about their purchasing decision. Read More.

Shrek the Third Review (PS2)

By Andrew Sztein () - 4.2 out of 10

As I write this review, I have to ask a question: What is the point? Sure, I could trash this game, point out all of its faults, but what well would that do? Everyone who intends to purchase this game for their kids (or themselves) has already made up their minds about their purchasing decision. Read More.
