Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist is a action game developed by Ubisoft Toronto for the Xbox 360. The game was released in Q2 2013.
Our Review
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist Review
The best way to sum up Blacklist is “good idea.” Almost everything that the development team has done seems like a good idea on paper but the actual execution of it leaves a lot to be desired. As you experience each aspect of the game you’ll find that element after element just cries out to be used in a less crappy fashion. I’m not sure if these elements were the game developer’s intention or if some things were forced on them by meddling higher-ups but the result is the same – a damn good game ruined by a series of bad design decisions. Read More.
Previews and Features
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist Preview
While I personally really enjoyed the shift in tone and direction that Ubisoft’s Splinter Cell series took with the most recent installment in Conviction, a lot of people lamented the shift away from hardcore stealth mechanics towards an action packed equivalent of a Jason Bourne film starring Sam Fisher. With the mixed reactions, Ubisoft certainly seems to be taking a kitchen sink approach to the latest Splinter Cell title, aiming to please those looking for the careful modern ninja gameplay of the original trilogy with the rollercoaster action of Conviction. Read More.
E3 2012: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist Preview
I keep bumping into Splinter Cell in the weirdest ways. It was a series I was determined to dislike in the early days, but I've found myself growing increasingly fond of the franchise as it matures. It might have something to do with querying Michael Ironside while I was dressed as Cheetara. Read More.
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E3 2012: Splinter Cell: Blacklist Announced
Today during Microsoft's Press conference, they announced Ubisoft's latest entry in the Splinter Cell series.
Entitled Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Sam Fisher is doing what he does best: taking out enemies with extreme precision. Read More.