Lost Odyssey is a role playing game developed by Mistwalker for the Xbox 360. The game was released on February 12, 2008.
Our Review
Lost Odyssey Review
Hironubu Sakaguchi is a legend among game developers. The man responsible for putting the Final Fantasy series on the map has been doing his own thing recently by making games for the Xbox 360 under the Mistwalker moniker. Mistwalker's first title, Blue Dragon, was an interesting, yet ultimately unfulfilling adventure that was too immature and sugary sweet to hold most adult Xbox gamers' attention. Read More.
Previews and Features
X'07 Canada: Lost Odyssey Impressions
When Microsoft announced that they were partnering up with Hironobu Sakaguchi and his new development studio, Mistwalker, Xbox fans let out a collective cheer. After all, Sakaguchi-san is the genius who unleashed the monumentally popular Final Fantasy franchise to millions of gamers worldwide. Read More.
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