Gun is a action game developed by Neversoft for the Xbox 360. The game was released on November 8, 2005.
Our Review
Gun Review
Since 1980, Kenny Rogers has managed to star in five Gambler movies while the videogame industry has yet to produce one great oater epic. While there are so many things wrong with that first sentence, Neversoft has finally set aside its Tony Hawk series to make the definitive western videogame that anyone can enjoy. Read More.
Previews and Features
Gun Preview
We recently had a chance to catch up with the latest build of Gun for the Xbox 360 at Microsoft's X'05 Toronto show. The game was playing on a standard 360 console instead of a development kit and looked complete with various levels available for play. For those who don't know what Gun is about, it's a new shooter from Neversoft and Activision that places you in the old west with cowboy boots, a horse, and a couple of old fashioned weapons. Read More.
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