Featuring a more open gameplay world to explore and a whole new helping of ways to brutally decimate you, Dark Souls II promises to be even more intense and nerve wracking than the original.
Our Review
Dark Souls II Review
Dark Souls II made some terrible design decisions on its way to production and while I felt that those decisions would ruin the game, they actually don’t. Unfortunately a bigger issue is that they do nothing to actually make the experience any more enjoyable, leaving it as a zero sum gain by and large. Unfortunately for anyone actually affected by these changes the whole thing falls apart quickly, leading to a whole bunch of aggravation. To me that speaks of a change that wasn’t worth it. Read More.
Previews and Features
Dark Souls II Beta Gameplay Journal
The first time you play a new game in the Dark Souls series you’re immediately going to feel like you’re in over your head. This is doubly true when there’s no instruction manual or strategy guide to pore over. You’re just going to have to figure this old the old fashioned way boys and girls! Luckily this is a game series where anyone who plays it is expecting to die plenty more times. Read More.
E3 2013: Dark Souls II Impressions
After my fourth death during the demo of Dark Souls II, I really wanted to snap the controller in half. And yet, I still wanted to play more and more. Read More.
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