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Yu Yu Hakusho: Tournament Tactics Review (GBA)

By Jason Murphy () - 7.3 out of 10

I can vaguely recall some of the massive amount of time I spent playing Final Fantasy Tactics on the original PlayStation quite a few years ago now. Being a huge deviation from the many other established games of the series, it no doubt received some criticism from the hardcore fans. Read More.

Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury Review (GBA)

By Jason Murphy () - 7.7 out of 10

Of all of the Japanese-style animation series on television today, Dragonball Z is probably far and wide the most popular. With that said, it is no surprise that this show has translated into many video games over the past few years as well. Read More.

The Sims Bustin' Out Review (GBA)

By Karen Widish () - 7.5 out of 10

The Sims Bustin' Out for the Game Boy Advance is the first release of its kind on the Game Boy Advance handheld. Although released well over a year ago, it is still able to stand up to modern day releases on the platform, and is still worth a look as it is not a typcial Sims release. Read More.

Gretzky NHL 06 Review (PS2)

By Antoine Williams () - 6.0 out of 10

As a Canadian based publication, one of the things we tend to do in our spare time is watch Hockey. We talk Hockey. We sometimes consider the theme to CBC's "Hockey Night in Canada" the second National Anthem. Finally, we play hockey to no end, in both real life and virtual reality. Read More.

Joint Operations: Escalation Review (PC)

By Scott Czerneda () - 7.7 out of 10

This expansion to Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising is certainly true to its name. Joint Operations Escalation truly gives you the sense that you are part of an escalating conflict. As in Typhoon Rising, the backdrop of Escalation is a civil war in Indonesia with rebels fighting against the loyalist and their western allies. Read More.

Tecmo Classic Arcade Review (Xbox)

By Jean-Michel Berube () - 4.9 out of 10

Tecmo, a company known for the highly popular Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive series, has made an attempt to revive some of their original games after some two decades since their retirement. The result is Tecmo Classic Arcade for the Xbox, a title that many would say should have remained in the 80's. Read More.

Fable: The Lost Chapters Review (Xbox)

By Matt Felske () - 8.2 out of 10

When Fable was originally released on the Xbox last year, there was a lot of hype around the game and about the freedom that it offered. The in-depth RPG elements were meant to give players a whole new gaming experience unlike any other. I was one of those gamers who had had their expectations set way too high. Read More.

Blitzkrieg 2 Review (PC)

By Matt Felske () - 7.4 out of 10

World War II real-time strategy games come a dime a dozen, this allows for a lot of competition in the genre. Sometimes you end up with top-of the line titles, other times they simply fall a bit short. Then there are titles like Blitzkrieg II, the sequel to CDV's release two years ago, which have a lot of potential but fail to fully utilize it. Read More.

L.A. Rush Review (Xbox)

By Shawn Snider () - 4.6 out of 10

I can say I was a huge fan of the Rush Series for the Nintendo 64; they consistently were games I wanted to go back and play time and time again. When this recent update to the series was announced, I can also say that little smile crossed my face, and I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. Read More.

Indigo Prophecy Review (PC)

By Matt Felske () - 8.6 out of 10

I've always been a big fan of first person shooters and real time strategy games, both of which are plentiful in today's game market. If we looked at a list of my favourite games, it wouldn't take long for titles such as Halo or Total Annihilation to crop up. Never did I imagine that Indigo Prophecy would find a place on my list. Read More.

NBA 06 Review (PSP)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 8.0 out of 10

I recently had the misfortune of reviewing NBA for the PSP. As my review stated, I found it lacking in many areas and just not fun at all to play. Now, a few weeks later, my editor hands me NBA 06 with a big smile and I'll be honest; I shuddered at the thought of having to play another NBA game for the PSP, especially one that I knew to be built off the same game I had just reviewed (and hated). Read More.

GripShift Review (PSP)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 8.0 out of 10

If there's one genre that the PSP is in no shortage of, it would definitely be racing games. From Burnout and Midnight Club to Ridge Racer, Need for Speed and Wipeout, there's something for everyone. In the heap of racing titles then, it would be easy for another title like GripShift to go unnoticed. Read More.

Genji: Dawn of the Samurai Review (PS2)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 8.9 out of 10

Once in a very great while, you find games that are so utterly captivating and spellbinding that the world around you just ceases to exist. A game that brings forth new ideas, new concepts or new gameplay mechanics that simply humble you with their greatness. These are quiet, personal moments etched in time that seem as real as watching Olympic dreams realized or the unfolding dramas of a breaking news report. Read More.

Wipeout Pure Review (PSP)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 9.1 out of 10

Okay, I confess: although I like to think of myself as wise and knowing in all things game-related, sometimes an incredible series passes me by and I miss out on it. Such was the case with Dynasty Warriors; I starting playing it because Seth on The O.C. was playing it and it looked fun. Read More.

Fable: The Lost Chapters Review (PC)

By Matt Felske () - 8.8 out of 10

When Fable was originally released on the Xbox last year, there was a lot of hype around the game and about the freedom that it offered. The in-depth RPG elements were meant to give players a whole new gaming experience unlike any other. I was one of those gamers who had had their expectations set way too high. Read More.
