In the world of videogames there is but one Holy Grail that all developers search and strive for tirelessly; balance. Good games are all about the fine tuning of balance: challenge versus fun, unit strength versus weakness, kick, punch, or block, simulation versus arcade, speed versus excitement and so. Read More.
On October 25, 2004 I spent my evening waiting in line with many other avid gamers for 7 o'clock to roll by and my local EB Games to begin selling Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for the PS2. It was an eye-opening experience for me. You'd have thought that Elvis himself was back from the dead for another comeback tour. Read More.
As true as the Madden Curse is a reality, I believe that the Xbox is also cursed with the inability to simply produce a competent wrestling game. Adding fuel to the fire, why does THQ insist on allowing other companies to attempt making WWE games for the Xbox when Yuke's has already perfected the art on the PS2? Read More.
When I received word that I'd be reviewing a WWII shooter a while back, I must admit that my initial reaction was, well, a little underwhelming. I recalled piling into the Cyberland Cafe with a bunch of friends after school for a quick round of Day of Defeat. It was good fun pulverising my school chums, and likely even more fun for them since I wasn't particularly adept at the game. Read More.
The newest addition to Microsoft's wildly popular flight sim follows the same formula that made the Flight Simulator series successful in the past, while adding new features that will make casual and hardcore fans want to pay the purchase price. The title alone creates an excitement among aircraft enthusiasts too difficult to ignore. Read More.
Deus Ex was one of those titles that nobody really expected. Released in 2000 by Ion Storm, a developer whose reputation was in shambles after the massive public failure known as Daikatana, Deus Ex provided a style of gameplay and storyline still unmatched today, four years later. Read More.
Deus Ex was one of those titles that nobody really expected. Released in 2000 by Ion Storm, a developer whose reputation was in shambles after the massive public failure known as Daikatana, Deus Ex provided a style of gameplay and storyline still unmatched today, four years later. Read More.
In the history of the world, there is perhaps only the Holy Grail that has been more analyzed, more speculated upon, more written about and more hotly debated than Area 51 itself. And as with the Grail, we are nowhere near closer to the truth. This is perhaps the reason for our continued fascination with these subjects. Read More.
The Sims 2 University is the first expansion pack to be released for EA's The Sims 2, one of many to likely come in the future. Developed by Maxis, The Sims 2 University allows you to live the life of your Sim through their college years, for what could prove to be either one of the best or worst times of their life. Read More.
It would have been easy, and completely expected, for Epic Games and Midway to simply port Unreal Tournament 2004 to the Xbox. Unreal Championship, the original, had been a port and so had Unreal II: The Awakening. And although both those games felt rushed and lackluster on console, Unreal Tournament 2004 is one of the greatest multiplayer games of all times on the PC. Read More.
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down is the fourth game in the NovaLogic's famed Delta Force series. The original Delta Force was a great game for its time; unfortunately Black Hawk Down is just not up to the challenge once you put it through the ropes. It is an average tactical shooter without much innovation or fun to bring to the table. Read More.
They move as silent as night, and are more deadly than an angry mafia member. SWAT, the Special Weapons and Tactics unit, are some of the most highly trained officers in the world. Developed by Irrational Games and published by Vivendi Universal, SWAT 4 is the latest entry into the longstanding franchise, and it surely doesn't disappoint. Read More.
Two hundred years ago, Europe was a land wrought with conflict and dissent. In France, a little man by the name of Napoleon Bonaparte spearheaded a revolution that toppled the existing monarchy and gave rise to a grand new Republic. With powerful legions behind him, Napoleon swept across much of the Continent in the span of only a few years. Read More.
Released in 2002, Syberia was a first-class adventure title thrust into a crowded market. Since then, that market for adventure titles has dried up, they are hard to come by, and finding good ones is even more difficult. Developed by Microids and headed up by Benoit Sokal, Syberia II continues Kate Walkers adventure where the original left off, but can it bring back the majestic feeling the first one offered? Read More.
Released in 2002, Syberia was a first-class adventure title thrust into a crowded market. Since then, that market for adventure titles has dried up, they are hard to come by, and finding good ones is even more difficult. Developed by Microids and headed up by Benoit Sokal, Syberia II continues Kate Walkers adventure where the original left off, but can it bring back the majestic feeling the first one offered? Read More.