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The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction Review (Xbox)

By Jean-Michel Berube () - 8.6 out of 10

It takes a great company to design, create and bring a title such as the Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction to life; in this case, that company is Radical Entertainment. Many superhero games have come and gone over the years, but none have ever captured the image of the Incredible Hulk with as much style as this one. Read More.

Gun Review (X360)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 8.6 out of 10

Since 1980, Kenny Rogers has managed to star in five Gambler movies while the videogame industry has yet to produce one great oater epic. While there are so many things wrong with that first sentence, Neversoft has finally set aside its Tony Hawk series to make the definitive western videogame that anyone can enjoy. Read More.

Madden NFL 06 Review (X360)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 7.9 out of 10

I'm often asked why I like football so much. I always answer the same thing: math. Football is a game based on numbers and statistics. In hockey, a simple pass from Sakic to Tanguay will be considered inconsequential unless a goal is scored. This doesn't just stem from the fact that hundreds of passes are made in each hockey game, but also that so many games are played in each season. Read More.

Cold War Review (Xbox)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 5.8 out of 10

When my editor called to tell me I'd be reviewing Cold War from DreamCatcher Interactive, for whatever reason, I expected an adventure game the likes of Syberia. When I had the game in my hands and saw the screenshots on the back, I realized that this was no adventure game in the traditional sense. Read More.

Age of Empires III Review (PC)

By Shawn Snider () - 8.6 out of 10

Age of Empires III is the next incarnation of Ensemble's incredibly popular series; a series that is often used as a comparison reference when referring to the best titles available in its genre. It takes the classic real-time strategy formula, throws in a few twists and turns, a good handful of very innovative gameplay elements, and combines them into an innovative feature-packed release with virtually limitless replay value. Read More.

Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge Review (Xbox)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 7.1 out of 10

It should come as no surprise that the many films of Tim Burton are an acquired taste and generally cater to a niche audience. There is a certain visual style about them, as well as a recurring theme, that makes them instantly recognizable to anyone. Over the years, Burton has also amassed a group of people that he seems to continuously work with and who have helped establish the Burton Brand; namely actor Johnny Depp and composer Danny Elfman. Read More.

The Sims 2 Nightlife Review (PC)

By Lindsay Steele () - 8.2 out of 10

Welcome to Downtown Simsville! With many different bowling lanes, nightclubs, restaurants, shops, parks, and gardens, your Sim is sure to find something to tickle their fancy. Drive down yourself, or take a cab. Carpool with a friend. The options are endless in this most recent expansion for The Sims 2. Read More.

World Tour Soccer Review (PSP)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 7.0 out of 10

As with all new console releases, there is always a certain amount of content that must be addressed to please the masses. In the case of the PSP, the only soccer game released was 989 Sports' World Tour Soccer. As with 989's offering of Hockey, Basketball and Baseball, these were, for the most part, the same games that were released on the PS2 but with several modes missing. Read More.

DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil Review (Xbox)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 7.0 out of 10

When DOOM 3 was released for PC (and later for Xbox) it caused a giant rift among DOOM fans and FPS lovers in general. DOOM had always been about one man taking on wave after wave of monsters. It was action personified. But with DOOM 3, many expected the series to evolve beyond that by borrowing from Halo and Half-Life. Read More.

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Review (PS2)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 8.8 out of 10

It should be a given that any developer willing to pay top dollar for a high profile game license (Film, TV, Comics) will do the source material justice, not to mention, will give rabid fans enough to sink their teeth into. Unfortunately, as we've all seen, this is rarely the case. Read More.

Indigo Prophecy Review (PS2)

By Matt Felske () - 8.7 out of 10

I've always been a big fan of first person shooters and real time strategy games, both of which are plentiful in today's game market. If we looked at a list of my favourite games, it wouldn't take long for titles such as Halo or Total Annihilation to crop up. Never did I imagine that Indigo Prophecy would find a place on my list. Read More.

Ultimate Spider-Man Review (Xbox)

By Eduardo Araujo () - 8.0 out of 10

The gaming community has been blessed for the last few years with decent Marvel game titles like the Spider-Man and X-Men Legends series. While the Spider-Man series has largely been based on the movies, Ultimate Spider-Man breaks away from the movie franchise and focuses on the new line of comics. Read More.

Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors Review (GBA)

By Jason Murphy () - 6.5 out of 10

In the massively popular genre of fighting games, it is not unheard of for companies to licence popular characters for inclusion in their latest title. Sometimes, they even licence an entire series for a game focused on these already popular characters. One of the more recent of these is the Dragon Ball Z television anime series, all licenced for the game Supersonic Warriors. Read More.

Midway Arcade Treasures 3 Review (Xbox)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 6.0 out of 10

For the past three years now, Midway has tried to fill our nostalgic needs with its Arcade Treasures volumes. Whereas the first two entries featured a veritable smorgasbord of game types (everything from SpyHunter, Paperboy, Marble Madness and Smash TV to Gauntlet 2, NARC and the Mortal Kombats) volume 3 tries very hard to follow a theme; retro-racing classics. Read More.

Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge Review (Xbox)

By Shawn Snider () - 8.7 out of 10

There really seems to be a lack of good flight titles for the Xbox, I'm not sure if it's too difficult to develop or too difficult to make fun. With an abundance of racing and shooters, it really is a shame we don't see more in the ways of flight. Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge is this perfect balance of action and flight. Read More.
