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Gallop Racer 2006 Review (PS2)

By Nicholas Bale () - 7.6 out of 10

Are you a fan of horse racing? Do you know the differences between GIII and OC? Does breeding horses of various pedigrees interest you? If not, then perhaps Gallop Racer 2006 is not for you. Read More.

Monster Rancher EVO Review (PS2)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 6.6 out of 10

Credit must be given, once again, to Tecmo for taking chances on titles that other publishers would balk at. Over the years, Tecmo has published more niche titles that I've enjoyed than almost every other publisher combined. But now it seems that the Monster Rancher series, after four outings with little change, has decided to spread itself out to the mainstream world. Read More.

Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico Review (Xbox)

By Owen Dobson-Smith () - 7.3 out of 10

When Denmark based Deadline Games and video game publisher Eidos Interactive come together what do you get? Total Overdose: a Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico. Don't let the redundancy of the name fool you, this is a shooter that has the potential to compete with games like Hitman (also published by Eidos) and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Read More.

Auto Assault Review (PC)

By Alan Palmer () - 6.0 out of 10

The latest in NCsoft's lineup, this interesting foray into the massively multiplayer genre has several things going for it at first. For one, there are no elves, orcs, or wizards to be seen. Second, you drive a tricked out car that doubles as a weapons platform across a post-apocalyptic Earth. Read More.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence Review (PS2)

By Nicholas Bale () - 9.6 out of 10

Every story needs a beginning. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater went into the past of the legendary Big Boss, showing how he became the figure that led the great FOXHOUND group. But to series creator Hideo Kojima, now something of an icon among gamers, this wasn't enough, and Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence was released in order to add more to the game that is one of the most entertaining experiences on the PS2 yet. Read More.

Kingdom of Paradise Review (PSP)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 6.8 out of 10

What the PSP has been in desperate need of since its release was a deep RPG that could consume gamers-on-the-go for hours on end. While the Untold Legends series did manage to satisfy an action-RPG niche, there was still are large gap to be filled. When the first screens of Kingdom of Paradise (KoP) were released, it seemed to be the RPG that PSP owners had been waiting for. Read More.

Civilization IV Review (PC)

By Matt Felske () - 9.4 out of 10

In development since 1990, Sid Meier's Civilization series has defined and expanded the genre of empire-building strategy games. Each Civilization game has been based on exploration, discovery, building, diplomacy, and strategic combat. The latest instalment - Civilization IV - is the culmination of 15 years of experience, with the result being yet another milestone in strategic gaming. Read More.

MLB '06: The Show Review (PS2)

By Nicholas Bale () - 8.2 out of 10

It must be tough for developers to make a new sports game that differentiates itself from the competition on the market. Sony has tried this with MLB 06: The Show, and in a few ways, they've succeeded, but The Show is only slightly better than other baseball games on the market. Read More.

Daxter Review (PSP)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 9.1 out of 10

Certain people are destined to be sidekicks their whole life. This may seem a simple statement, but it still remains one that Hollywood seems to forget from time to time leading to large monetary debacles. I won't name names, but you know who they are. Well, the video game industry is a little more forgiving, but can we really expect a wise cracking rodent to take center stage, on a handheld system no less, and compete with his own venerable series? Read More.

Pursuit Force Review (PSP)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 8.3 out of 10

It's not very often that a developer understands exactly what kind of game it's making; a developer that understands not only the console and its limitations, but also its gamers. Bigbig Studios gets it. And Pursuit Force is the proof that you don't have to add contrivance to a concept just to make it float. Read More.

Full Auto Review (X360)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 7.4 out of 10

While the demise of the Dreamcast still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, it's nice to see that Sega has not been abated in the least with regards to its software output. In arcades and on consoles alike, Sega has continued with its always-recognizable brand of games. Read More.

Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Remix Review (Xbox)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 9.0 out of 10

It seems that as of late, publishers and developers alike have taken the release of Greatest Hits and Platinum Hits packages as an opportunity to add new content and tweak various issues on quasi-classic games. Such was the case with the Metal Gear Solid 3, Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition, and now, Midnight Club 3. Read More.

Rumble Roses XX Review (X360)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 7.5 out of 10

Rumble Roses XX is very much like that girl in high school that every boy fantasizes over. The one that's in a league all of her own. She has the perfect body, perfect smile, perfect hair, and perfect friends. She's always happy and smiling. She walks in slow motion. Read More.

Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves Review (PS2)

By Eduardo Araujo () - 7.9 out of 10

Many platformers have graced the PS2 with a variety of gimmicks. Despite the mess of titles out there for the console, a few games have managed to stand out above the rest; fortunately the same can not be said for Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves. The Sly series manages to combine great platforming play, with outstanding cell shading graphics. Read More.

Cuban Missile Crisis: The Aftermath Review (PC)

By Alan Palmer () - 4.0 out of 10

Despite the game's title, this is not a game about the Cuban Missile Crisis. G5 Software has managed to take what could have been a solid turn based game and made it into an awful real time strategy game. There are no Cubans and there are no missiles. The only crisis is the one that the gameplay is in. Read More.
