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Prey Review (X360)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 7.1 out of 10

A few years ago, I practically camped out at a book store in order to get the new Thomas Harris novel; Hannibal. I'd waited 10 years to find out what further exploits Clarice and Lecter would have and I had never been disappointed by a Thomas Harris novel yet. I picked up the book and read it in one sitting. Read More.

X3: Reunion Review (PC)

By Nicholas Bale () - 8.3 out of 10

Not a whole lot of games come along that make you look at them and say "Woah. That's pretty impressive." Some do it with the graphics. Some do it with the scope of gameplay. Some do it with sectors that are so ridiculously huge that, even on your fastest speed with 1000% time compression, you still take a few minutes to cross the entire area, from north to south, and then make a few dozen of these areas for you to fly around in. Read More.

Rockstar Games presents Table Tennis Review (X360)

By Matt Felske () - 7.1 out of 10

Over the years, gamers have had the privilege of being able to play sport games featuring the truly great athletes of our times. Box with Ali, shoot with Gretzky, go one on one against Shaq, wrestle Hogan, kick it to Beckham, lob it to Agassi, make the perfect break for it with Vick up the middle - the whole nine yards. Read More.

X-Men: The Official Game Review (X360)

By Warren Dunlop () - 5.8 out of 10

With Activision on another action game based on the X-Men license, one would hope for great things, almost 'X'traordinary things. With a big name such as Marvel, backing up such a trademark such as X-Men, on a game entitled none other than "The Official Game", one would hope for huge things. Read More.

X-Men: The Official Game Review (Xbox)

By Warren Dunlop () - 5.9 out of 10

With Activision on another action game based on the X-Men license, one would hope for great things, almost 'X'traordinary things. With a big name such as Marvel, backing up such a trademark such as X-Men, on a game entitled none other than "The Official Game", one would hope for huge things. Read More.

Armored Core: Last Raven Review (PS2)

By Eduardo Araujo () - 6.7 out of 10

Ever since the days of the original PlayStation, the Armored Core series has been the perfect outlet for fans of robot battles. It borrows a lot from the Japanese anime culture and lets players everywhere live out their fantasy of piloting a giant robot. The series tries to emulate the feel of piloting a giant mech and trades fast-paced Gundam-style action for a more realistic approach. Read More.

The Movies: Stunts & Effects Review (PC)

By Lindsay Steele () - 7.5 out of 10

Stunts and Effects is the first expansion pack for The Movies, a game where you can simulate being a Hollywood studio boss and make blockbuster movies. Like its namesake, this expansion pack offers gamers more variety in terms of the incredible stunts and special effects that make today's movies so spectacular. Read More.

MLB 2006 Review (PS2)

By Nicholas Bale () - 8.2 out of 10

I'll cut to the chase: this game is pretty good, if you like the sport. There's franchise mode and season mode, which are done fairly well with some new additions, a reworked career mode, and a couple time wasters like home-run derby and exhibition modes to satisfy any quick baseball urges you might get. Read More.

Over G Fighters Review (X360)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 6.8 out of 10

While it may be quite possible for me to write an entire review based on fighter planes without mentioning Top Gun, I won't even bother. You see, there was a period in my life (right between wanting to be Sonny Crockett and a guitar god), in which I wanted to be Maverick; a cocky hot-shot young F-14 pilot. Read More.

Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends Review (PC)

By Alan Palmer () - 7.9 out of 10

Though a shining example of a real-time strategy game, Big Huge Games' Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends feels less than perfect in the end. Full of promise and interesting ideas it has a few nagging issues that keep it from being a true classic. Read More.

TOCA Race Driver 3 Review (PC)

By Warren Dunlop () - 8.7 out of 10

If you play ToCA Race Driver 3, don't expect to purchase any other racers in the near future. Codemasters' have really hit their mark in this release, with the insane numbers of licensed cars and tracks, highly realistic simulation that includes plenty of damage variables, all spread across over 30 different styles of racing. Read More.

Stacked with Daniel Negreanu Review (PS2)

By Jean-Michel Berube () - 6.0 out of 10

After months of anticipation, delays and hype, Stacked with Daniel Negreanu finally hit the streets last month. Available on Xbox, PS2, PC and soon to be released on the PSP, fans are able to play with the all-time money winner in the history of Texas Hold'em poker Daniel "Kid Poker" Negreanu. Read More.

Garfield and His Nine Lives Review (GBA)

By Jason Murphy () - 3.9 out of 10

Garfield originated as a classic comic strip, which later developed into an animated TV show, as well as several movies and of course, video games. On top of this, Garfield has been a staple of other media in popular culture since the comic debut in 1978. My first introduction to the world of Garfield, and the comedy and entertainment provided herein, was undoubtedly the TV show throughout my childhood. Read More.

Metal Gear Acid Review (PSP)

By Stephane Petit-Clerc () - 8.5 out of 10

Generally speaking, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck; it's probably a duck. Well, here's another one for you: If it looks like a Metal Gear game, sounds like a Metal Gear game and feels like a Metal Gear game; it could very well be the biggest departure from an established franchise the gaming world has ever seen. Read More.

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Review (PS2)

By Ed Gougeon () - 7.0 out of 10

First let me qualify myself as a Grand Theft Auto nut. I own all of the 2D topographical games including London 1969, and still enjoy them from time to time. I bought GTA III the day it was released, and then stood in line for both Vice City and San Andreas. Personally, I feel every new entry in this series has been an improvement on preceding titles, until Liberty City Stories that is. Read More.
