Warlords is the must-have expansion for Friaxis' wildly fun and addictive Civilization IV. Once you have played just one game with the expansions new units, leaders, and building you will never want to go back to playing the game without them. While the changes are mostly minor the game has been tweaked to make an already great game even better. Read More.
Since the release of the Xbox 360 in November, most gamers have been looking forward to the next-generation of gaming. With the advent of such new systems as the PS3 and WII, current-generation games seem to be forgotten and feeling the vicious side effect of discount-rack fare. Read More.
Have you ever wanted to take a trip into the past? How about explore some of the most exotic places around the world? AGON (Ancient Game of Nations) is an adventure game published by Viva Media and developed by Planet Moon Studios that touches on these ideas. The game offers up content in an episodic fashion, with this retail release serving up the first three of a planned fourteen episode series. Read More.
Even as a reviewer, I have become jaded, desensitized and doubting of everything I read nowadays, regardless of the source. It's not an X-File worthy conspiracy, but simply the fact that in a day and age when anyone can say anything on a forum as big as the internet, without any proof or supporting arguments at all, it becomes harder and harder to see through motives and find the truth behind any given thing. Read More.
Pax Romana (Latin for "the Roman Peace") is the long period of peace in the Roman Empire which began during the rule of Augustus, the first Roman Emperor, and continued onwards until roughly 180 AD. Glory of the Roman Empire is an empire-building simulation that is set during this time frame and places the player in the role of a Roman city planner, governor and military leader attempting to expand his city and achieve greatness. Read More.
When the PSP launched, and for a long time thereafter, what it was in desperate need of was a decent RPG. Sony should have paid attention to this a bit more since the PSOne and PS2 have exceedingly strong RPG libraries and even a simple port of one of many RPGs would have been a smart move. Read More.
At a time when PSOne owners were clamoring for more Metal Gear Solid action, 989 Studios and Sony's release of the original Syphon Filter game was a stroke of genius. Not only did it become a huge seller, and being incredibly popular on message boards, but it was also different enough from Snake's adventures to keep critics happy. Read More.
Since its launch last year, the EyeToy has had a couple of interesting games, albeit most of them tend to opt for various disconnected endeavors. Using the EyeToy camera, players are able to re-enact their movements on screen and basically replace the controller as the peripheral of choice while punching ninjas or other objects on screen. Read More.
In the great spirit of "the sky is falling, the sky is falling", many reviewers, myself included, have previously made statements to the fact that it may seem the adventure game is a dying breed. Oddly, these statements came after a year of playing and reviewing such titles as Still Life, Syberia 2, Myst 4 and Indigo Prophecy. Read More.
Welcome to the world of the Others, a world within our own, beyond our site, where forces of Light and the forces of Dark fight a cold war to determine the fate of the world. Where the forces of Light have formed the Night Watch to keep the Dark in check, and where the forces of Dark have formed the Day Watch to keep the Light in check. Read More.
Some well respected, very important men wear funny looking pajamas to bed. I can accept this. It's odd, but no more than some Hollywood pairings we've seen. On a separate note, certain gaming franchises take chances. It's not a common occurrence, but Konami proved that it could be highly successful with its first Metal Gear Acid game on Sony's PSP. Read More.
Have you ever dreamt of fighting off a horde of terrorists in ski masks who can jump from building to building as if they've seen the matrix a hundred times? If so, then you may want to look into Eidos recently released shooter, Urban Chaos: Riot Response. The setting takes place in the middle of an Urban War and it's up to the T-Zero squadron to save the day. Read More.
It's been quite a few months since Sony introduced the Eye Toy to the North American market, a USB camera that captures a player's movements on screen. While most of the games that take advantage of the technology have felt more like tech demos than well-rounded titles, EyeToy: Kinetic aims to change all that by bringing fitness to the small device. Read More.
I've always been a fan of portable baseball games, I can't even count how many hours I put in front of The Majors Pro Baseball on the Sega GameGear while on the road. It had no licensed teams, but the gameplay was where it really shined, especially for that era of gaming. Read More.
Emergency 3 is the latest North American release in Sixteen Tons franchise, published by Montreal based Strategy First. Having been given the opportunity to play (and review) the 2003 release, Emergency 2: The Ultimate Fight for Life, I can safely say that the same elements that made the second release enjoyable are back. Read More.