Red Faction: Guerrilla is a shooter game developed by Volition, Inc. for the PlayStation 3. The game was released on June 2, 2009.
Our Review
Red Faction: Guerrilla Review
The world of Mars is a hostile territory. An insurgent group is rebelling against a controlling and powerful foe and you're caught right in the middle. It's a story we've heard time and time again, but it isn't the story in Red Faction: Guerrilla that will have you coming back time and time again. Read More.
Previews and Features
Red Faction: Guerrilla Updated Multiplayer Impressions
We're just over a week away from the street date of Red Faction: Guerrilla and I recently had a chance to check out the remaining multiplayer modes firsthand. For those just getting up to speed, I encourage you to check out our earlier previews of the single player and multiplayer components of this highly destructive open-world game. Read More.
Red Faction: Guerrilla Hands-On Preview
We recently had an opportunity to go hands-on with the upcoming Red Faction: Guerrilla and get some significant time with the game. We brought you our multiplayer impressions a few days ago, and wanted to finish off our two part series with a taste of the deep single player campaign featured in the game. Read More.
Red Faction: Guerilla Multiplayer Preview
Welcome to Mars, an inhospitable landscape perfect for wreaking some destruction. We recently had an opportunity to try out a near-final build of Red Faction: Guerilla, and in our first of two previews we'll be focusing on the vast multiplayer component of the game. Read More.
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Explosive New Multiplayer Modes and Maps Coming to Red Faction: Guerrilla on September 17
Following the successful launch of the Red Faction: Guerrilla Demons of the Badland DLC pack, THQ announced details for a second downloadable content pack that will deliver destructive new multiplayer modes and maps. The Multiplayer Pack will feature two new modes, Bagman and Team Bagman, along with eight new maps, playable across all multiplayer modes. Read More.