Portal 2 is a puzzle game developed by Valve for the PlayStation 3. The game was released in 2011.
Our Review
Portal 2 Review
When I heard GlaDOS's voice way back at E3 2010, memories of traps, puzzles, holes in the sky through which I can fly, and turrets flew through my head. So many turrets. But hearing GlaDOS's voice only meant one thing, and that was a sequel on the way. Needless to say, I was pretty excited with the prospect. Read More.
Previews and Features
E3 2010: Portal 2 Impressions
One of the more pleasant surprises of E3 2010 was the announcement of Portal 2. Being huge fans of the original game, we were thrilled to get a 15 minute demo of the game at Valve's booth. While the game missed out some of our prestigious awards for the show that doesn't mean you should be dissuaded from the hype. Read More.
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