Disney Infinity is an upcoming platformer that mashes up the various Disney properties into one over the top experience.
Our Review
Disney Infinity Review
There's no denying that, in the right hands, Disney Infinity is a lot of fun. If you're not sure your kid will take to it, try out a friend's game, or see how little Bobby or Suzy responds to an in-store demo first. Like any major investment you want to last for a while, you should really test drive it first... unless your kid is already utterly mad for the game, in which case, you won't be disappointed, although you will be poorer. Like many Disney experiences, Disney Infinity might be expensive, but it provides value for that money. They've created an empire on a series of premium products. Back when Disneyland was built, many people didn't think anyone would pay that kind of money to go on rides, but Disney made it work. Read More.
Previews and Features
E3 2013: Disney Infinity Impressions
The people at Disney remember how it was to play with toys from a toybox. Read More.
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