Control another of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse, Death, as he fights to clear his brothers name.
Our Review
Darksiders II Review
With all the coverage we at GamingExcellence have given to Darksiders II you just had to know that we were chomping at the bit to play this game. Considering the fact that we absolutely were fans of the first title it's not surprising that we would take such an interest in the sequel. Read More.
Previews and Features
Darksiders II Impressions
Earlier this week we had the pleasure of sitting down with Darksiders II in California. As dedicated fans of the first game we at GamingExcellence wanted to make sure it was given the most thorough coverage possible. So one of the authors of the previous reviews, notably myself, got shipped off to go get a hands on with the sequel. Read More.
Darksiders II First Look
When it released in early 2010, Darksiders set a ridiculously high watermark for the rest of the year. The game borrowed some of the best elements from other franchises, and combined them into a masterpiece, what would prove to be one of the best games (and biggest surprises) of the year. Read More.
GamingExcellence Gets the Lowdown on Darksiders II
At the THQ Darksiders event this week we were lucky to get our hands on a demo of the game. But some of us there were lucky enough to harass and / or blackmail the staff at THQ and Vigil Games into giving us an interview. To that end we chatted with Simon Watts, Global Communications Manager at THQ, and Ryan Stefanelli, Producer on Darksiders II. Read More.
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