John Riccitiello: White Knight
Okay so John Riccitiello is out at EA. The rejoicing has already begun. Ding dong the witch is dead, and all that noise.
But the truth is, it’s the wrong witch. Read More.
SimCity (PC)
Okay so John Riccitiello is out at EA. The rejoicing has already begun. Ding dong the witch is dead, and all that noise.
But the truth is, it’s the wrong witch. Read More.
The difference between “We’re sorry” and “We’re fixing the problem” may seem subtle, but it’s really not. “We’re fixing it” means something is going to improve. “We’re sorry” is what you say to someone when their parakeet died. Read More.
Who are the people that this fiasco ultimately hurts the most? The designers, the developers, programmers, artists, sound engineers, testers, and the countless people involved with actually bringing the game to life. The people who put their blood, sweat, and tears into the game and worked countless hours over many years to deliver a really unique and compelling game. Read More.
If you’ve got a new copy of SimCity staring you in the face, and you’re one of the millions of gamers worldwide who spent hard earned money to play a game that simply doesn’t work, I have great news for you; this has got to be the beginning of the end for draconian, always online DRM. Read More.
Is Electronic Arts Inc. wrong to implement such a DRM strategy on a game that they are releasing solely on PC? I honestly don’t think so. Re-read the previous line and you’ll see one thing, the organization is called Electronic Arts Inc. They are a company. A capitalist company based in a free country, and they exist to try and make money. Read More.