Mass Effect 2 is a action role playing game developed by BioWare for the PC. The game was released on January 18, 2010.
Our Review
Mass Effect 2 Review
BioWare's release of Mass Effect back in 2007 for the Xbox 360 (and later in 2008 for the PC) meant a brand new science fiction universe for gamers to explore. Mass Effect went a little further than that, though. If you look at BioWare's history, a huge chunk of their games are using other licenses. Read More.
Previews and Features
Mass Effect 2 Preview
Released in 2007, Mass Effect wasn't a perfect game, but it did a lot of things right.
Critically acclaimed, it was a beautifully crafted blend of action and RPG elements, featuring a superb plot, excellent voice acting, and a deep and intriguing setting. Perhaps its most impressive achievement was that it was among the first to introduce the concept of near seamless dialog and conversations. Read More.
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Mass Effect 2's final DLC mission dated
In case you missed our story earlier this week, BioWare started releasing screenshots of its latest DLC. Now BioWare has stated that March 29 will be the date for Mass Effect 2's final DLC mission pack and has hinted it will bridge the gap between Mass Effect 2 and 3. Read More.
More Mass Effect 2 DLC incoming
I hope you haven't traded in your copy of Mass Effect 2 yet. (If you have, then you are a bad person.) Shepard still has a few things to take care of.
BioWare today released a screenshot for the next DLC called Arrival. Read More.
BioWare Launches Mass Effect 2 to Intergalactic Acclaim
BioWare announced that Mass Effect 2 has begun shipping to retailers worldwide. It is noted for its intense shooter gameplay and deep, hand-crafted story.
The Mass Effect trilogy is an epic science fiction adventure set in a vast universe filled with dangerous alien life and mysterious, uncharted planets. Read More.