Homefront is a shooter game developed by Kaos Studios for the PC. The game was released on March 15, 2011.
Our Review
Homefront Review
There were a lot of great games shown at E3 last year, but not a single one excited us more than Kaos Studios' cinematic-shooter, Homefront. And that's why it took home our Game of Show award. Now that it's here, the question that has to be asked is, does Homefront live up to our lofty expectations, or is it just another generic first-person shooter? Read More.
Previews and Features
Homefront Multiplayer Preview
We recently had an opportunity to get an early hands-on look with the multiplayer aspects of THQ and Kaos Studio's upcoming shooter Homefront. At E3 earlier this year we had an opportunity to check out the heavily cinematic single player offerings and another opportunity to ask the developers some tough questions; we'd encourage you to check out those in-depth previews to get some background on the story of the game. Read More.
E3 2010: Homefront Impressions
I've largely given up on shooters in recent years. I've lost count of WWII shooters on store shelves. There was a bit of novelty to be found in the horror angle for a while, but that's rapidly getting polluted too. The futuristic flavour taunted variety by introducing all sorts of weapons and ammo, but in the end, if it expels a lot of stuff, packs a punch and is only good at short range, it's still a bloody shotgun. Read More.
Exclusive Interview: A Conversation with Kaos
Of all the potential masterpieces and wonderful gaming experiences that we were privileged to experience at E3 2010, few stuck with the staff of GamingExcellence quite like THQ and Kaos Studios' upcoming shooter Homefront. With a combination of great storytelling, realised environments, intense shooting action, and superb tech, Homefront looks to be one of those titles that reaffirms our faith in our precious hobby and pastime. Read More.
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Let's not mince words here, THQ's Homefront was something of a disapointment, especially after we crowned it the best game of E3 in 2010. Not that it was BAD per se, it was just lacking that certain spark that turns a good game into a great one. The campaign was short, filled with visual glitches and mediocre AI, had little to offer between linear shooting galleries. Read More.