It is 1941 and the beginning of what will become the most brutal conflict of World War II, as Germany launches a full-scale invasion of the frozen tundra of the Soviet Union which would result in over 14 million military casualties. Take command of the iconic Soviet Red Army in brutal frontline warfare to free Mother Russia from the invading Nazis. Your strategic skills and tactical expertise hold the power to tip the very balance of this conflict in the sequel to the critically acclaimed and multi award-winning Company of Heroes. Engage in visceral tactical combat that will define you as a military leader and challenge you to wield the might of the Soviet Empire as you smash your way to Berlin.
Previews and Features
E3 2012: Company of Heroes 2 Preview
It takes a lot for me to get excited over a real time strategy game. As a lapsed fan of the genre who hasn't played one since the original Starcraft, I tended to find the genre more frustrating than fun, especially when playing Blizzard's takes on the genre that dealt more with resource hounding and unit building than any significant and realistic military tactics. Read More.
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