Skyrim seeks to redefine the way that we look at the Elder Scrolls games with more dynamic action and huge dragons.
Our Review
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Review
As a dedicated fan of the Elder Scrolls series since the first entry, Arena, there are very few games that excited me as much as this release. Sure there were other games I wanted to play this year but nothing got me as excited as opening up my favorite websites only to find a new Skyrim trailer or developer diary greeting me. Read More.
Previews and Features
E3 2011: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Preview
In one of the most popular booths and games of the show, I watched a developer play through a few areas of the newest chapter of the Elder Scrolls series. After the smash-hit Oblivion, I was curious to see what Bethesda could do with the series, and the answer was fairly clear: more. Read More.
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All Skyrim DLC Coming to PS3; PC Players Getting Dragonborn this February
For PC players, Dragonborn will be available February 5th on Steam. Read More.
Dragonborn DLC coming to PS3 and PC
Skyrim's next DLC, Dragonborn, releases tomorrow on Xbox Live, but perhaps the real big news is that it will also find its way onto the PS3.
The Bethblog announced today that PS3 and PC players will be getting the DLC episode early next year. Read More.
Xbox 360 gets timed-exclusivity deal for Skyrim DLC
Microsoft has announced that the first batch of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim DLC will hit the Xbox 360 first before any other platform.
The first two DLC packs will only be available for download on Xbox 360 for the first 30 days before it is released on PS3 and PC. Read More.