Team Fortress 2 Gets Horde Mode
Some exciting news from Valve! After giving several hints in the past little while, on August 15th an update for the free-to-play Team Fortress 2 will hit steam, introducing a new game mode: Horde. Read More.
Christopher Seal
Some exciting news from Valve! After giving several hints in the past little while, on August 15th an update for the free-to-play Team Fortress 2 will hit steam, introducing a new game mode: Horde. Read More.
What might be considered as not much of a surprise, Valve announced that DOTA 2, their current MOBA game in development will in fact be free-to-play.
The game will be supported through an in-game store which will allow users to purchase comestic items for their characters. Read More.
Now it's not often I say there's a must buy when it comes to video games, but in the case of the Humble Indie Bundle V, stop reading this, and go buy it now.
The Humble Bundles have been around for a while now, and this may well be the best bunch of games they've offered to date. Read More.
Originally EA offered Battlefield 1943 as a bonus to PS3 owners who purchased Battlefield 3. EA subsequently announced they were changing this and would not be giving the game away for free. Read More.
Some disappointing news coming from Mark Hamill.
According to his twitter account, his role as Joker in Batman: Arkham City will be his last job voicing the famous bad guy. Read More.
Enlight of the hackings that were performed on PSN and caused a large number of user's personal data to be stolen, Sony has taken steps to avoid being served with future class action lawsuits. Read More.
Following the somewhat publicized split from Rockstar, Team Bondi is trying to sell off assets and significantly reduce costs in an attempt to avoid closing down. Read More.
In the week that followed the 3DS price cut in Japan, 105,639 units were sold. Compare this with 196,077 units sold the week prior to the price cut and this accounts for roughly a 30% drop in sales even with the slash in price. Read More.
Gabe Newell has stated that Valve's goal is to bring Steamworks, similar to what was seen in Portal 2 for PS3 to Xbox Live for its future shooter, Counter Strike: Global Offensive. Read More.
According to Cowen analysts, a research firm, based on their observations and analysis, The Old Republic is set to sell 3 million units in its first year after pre-orders for Bioware's game surpassed that of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm and Starcraft 2. Read More.
The cloud computing game service, OnLive, which has been available here in North America for some time is finally coming to our neighbors across the Atlantic.
OnLive will launch in the UK at the opening of the Eurogamer Expo which is held on September 22. Read More.
During the Comic-Con panel devoted to Star Wars Kinect, the highly anticipated game was announced to be getting its own Xbox 360 console painted in tribute to the famous droid R2-D2. Read More.
Well this is pretty cool. Owners of the 3DS will be able to stream content from Netflix on their handhelds. Currently only '2D' shows are available, but there are plans to add an extra dimension in time. Read More.
Hollywood should take note. According to Michael Pachter, an analyst for Wedbush, based on EA's investor note from today, the giant gaming company will spend nearly $50 to promote it's new shooter, Battlefield 3. Read More.
I personally find this type of juicy drama extremely interesting.
Team Bondi, once thought to be a possible 'Rockstar Australia', has apparently had a pretty harsh fallout with the big boys over at Rockstar. Apparently the issue stems from some leaked emails condeming changes and influences that Rockstar had over the creation of the wildly success L. Read More.