You can probably file this one under "Not quite news, yet", but: the Australian Classification board has rated a new entry in the Uncharted series.
There's not a whole lot of concrete details to go on yet, but from the application, we know that Sony submitted a game called Uncharted: Fight For Fortune, and that it was classified on Monday of this week. The game has been rated G for "Very Mild Impact" violence and drug use.
Intriguingly, it lists the game as being for multiple platforms. Considering that there are only so many platforms on which Sony can release a game, this may mean the game will take advantage of the PS3-Vita cross-play feature. Alternatively, the game may end of being a PlayStation Mobile release -- a supposition possibly supported by the fact the game is being developed by One Loop, who were also responsible for such mobile games as God of War: Betrayal and Ratchet & Clank: Going Mobile.
Either way, stay tuned, because it's clear that Sony will be announcing...something related to Uncharted. At some point. Hopefully soon.
UPDATE: some eagle-eyed NeoGAF users also spotted the game on the Brazilian rating website. Bizarrely, the game -- which is listed here as being for the Vita -- is classified as "casino or cards". It's also listed as being for gamers over the age of 14, which means that Sony and One Loop are apparently planning on some kind of card game that has violence and drug use.