Monday June 25
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 (X360)
Episode three of Penny Arcade's tale featuring SNES-style art and combat that feels much like the early Final Fantasy games.
Tuesday June 26
The Amazing Spider-Man (PS3, X360, Wii, 3DS, DS, PC)
An open world action/adventure set after the upcoming revamped film where the new Oscorp executive creates cross-species experiments, then large robots to combat the experiments that escaped, leaving Spidey to clean up the mess.
Wednesday June 27
Mini Ninjas Adventures (X360)
You control Hiro with your own ninja limbs in this Mini Ninja's sequel as you go on a journey to save your master.
Thursday June 28
Escape the Virus: Swarm Survival (DS)
Link all pieces of DNA and fight off viruses as you wind, dodge and jump to build the longest chain possible.
Saturday June 30
Dust: An Elysian Tail (X360)
With the help of an ancient sword, Ahrah, and his sidekick Fidget, you (Dust) must go on a journey to liberate an oppressed village as you rediscover your past along the way.
Fresh Picks of the Week of June 24th, 2012
Featured new releases every day of the week