Everyone has heard of Hooligans, those eccentric individuals who often lead to riots throughout the world. Everyone has seen or heard of the violent European soccer riots, it is people like this who cause them. It's no wonder someone didn't think of this idea earlier, we have violent titles like the Grand Theft Auto series so why not one on rioting? Read More.
Once a genre featuring many illustrious games, adventure titles have gone through a slow and painful death as graphically enhanced action and simulations have taken precedent. Jazz and Faust takes you back to the time when adventure titles lead the pack in an attempt to spark an interest in the modern gamer, unfortunately the many problems that plague the title do not present much of a compelling argument and as fact will probably be overlooked. Read More.
It's hard to believe a title by the name of RollerCoaster Tycoon started the trend back in the late 1990's. The first extremely successful management simulation has spawned many similar titles; often these have proven to be successful. Ski Park Manager takes this approach at a management simulation, but unfortunately, falls a little short of its intended goal. Read More.
Anyone who is familiar with PC shoot-em-up games has heard the name Duke Nukem. Launched in the early 1990's as a shareware title, Duke Nukem quickly rose to be one of the best side scrolling shooters of the period. Soon after this side scrolling adventure, Duke took part in a first person shooter, one of the most groundbreaking titles released at the time. Read More.
Warrior Kings has been long anticipated by strategy fans worldwide, with authentic real-time strategy gameplay and a new approach on the genre. Unexpectedly, this game has received mixed reactions from gaming fans, some who enjoy the title and others that do not. Read More.
Microsoft's prominent Flight Simulator franchise has been popular for years, especially among simulation fanatics. With its extremely realistic gameplay and beautiful graphics, Microsoft has always succeeded with these titles. Flight Simulator 2002 continues this trend with its new features and vast improvements. Read More.
The year was 1985, the Cold War, the world divided. Two different ways of life, one conflict. Operation Flashpoint depicts this conflict from both perspectives in one of the best action titles available to this date. Read More.
Since EA Sports first began the NHL franchise, their hockey games have always been considered the best of the best. This year's NHL 2002 is certainly no disappointment and continues EA's tradition for ice hockey excellence. After an impressive NHL 2001, which improved many different aspects of the game, this year's game adds many new features and improvements to the lineup. Read More.
EA Sports has been known for developing several very poor racing games in the past, examples include NASCAR Revolution some of their previous F1 games. However, F1 2001 does not follow this trend, it is without a doubt the the best ever F1 game I have ever played. Read More.
A variety of games based around World War II have been released as of late, most notably Cornered Rat Software's World War II Online. However, Panzer Elite captures something that these games cannot, a true tank simulation realistic down to the smallest detail. Read More.
Disciples II: Dark Prophecy is a strategy title, although in a way it can be seen as an RPG as many attributes are shared between them. Although I have been a heavy gamer for many years, I have never been overly fond of the RPG style of games. They rarely derive any interest from me, usually I find them somewhat boring and unentertaining. Read More.
Have you ever wanted to step into the seat of a 750 horsepower NASCAR Winston Cup car, mash the gas petal, and hold on for the ride of a lifetime? If not, then I am at a loss, as I guess this isn't really the game for you. Otherwise, read-on, as NASCAR Racing 2002 awaits. Read More.
Trainz is a relatively new idea in the PC gaming community. Microsoft's recently released Train Simulator offers much to train lovers with superb realism, but Trainz has many added features and ideas that set it apart from Train Simulator, and in most cases, place it ahead. Read More.
Off-road racing is a world-renowned sport, known in many countries across the globe. A huge variety of racing games of this type are available, although each has a different approach on the sport. Good examples include Rally Trophy and Colin McRae Rally 2.0, both hugely popular titles based around similar concepts. Read More.
Hockey, football, basketball, and baseball are the most popular sporting games, and Electronic Arts has always dominated these divisions when it comes to the PC. Tennis is a sport that is very rarely heard of when it comes to PC gaming, the classic "Pong" is the only title that comes to mind, and that title isn't even really tennis. Read More.