The multi-billion dollar automobile industry is a popular subject for discussion in today's economy. Rarely does it fail as we all need a form of transportation, but this wasn't always true. Back in the 1950's and 60's, the competition between automobile companies was much more fierce than it is today, and Car Tycoon allows you to go back to that era and relive the experience. Read More.
Adventure titles are a rarity these days, as it is not often we see a new one released. Usually, adventure titles are based off past games or are sequels to an original, but Druuna does not fall into this category. Druuna: Morbis Gravis is a completely new concept in the way of adventure games, and has the potential to be a successful venture. Read More.
Rally Racing is a very popular sport throughout Europe and many other countries in that region. Although it is not widely viewed in North America, its popularity here has grown over the last several years. Rally Trophy goes back to the roots of rally racing, when paychecks weren't in the millions of dollars and participants competed for the sensation of danger and sheer entertainment of the sport. Read More.
The year is 2010, and computers have advanced to well beyond what we can possibly comprehend. You are a computer hacker, an agent for Uplink Corporation. Your mission, to hack into computer systems and complete a task, whether it is breaking into a company server to steal sensitive data or to remove logs of a secure transaction. Read More.
Clusterball is a futuristic flight action title with a very simple concept. This concept, fly around a map and use magnetic rails to collect balls, in which these balls are returned to a central ring and points are awarded depending on the color of each ball. It isn't all that simple however, as many obstacles lie in wait, making your life difficult. Read More.
You are a pilot of one of the most advanced helicopters ever produced, the Comanche. Helmet on, communications lines active, and ready for liftoff. Be prepared for an entertaining and wild experience, as you will get no less than that from Comanche 4. Read More.
A massive oil shortage has arisen, and the world powers are brought to their knees. Iraqi forces have captured the world's oil supply, and the Russians in an attempt to return to Communism have turned against the rest of the world. The United States steps in to take measures, but is unsuccessful in doing so. Read More.
With so many real time strategy games available, it is hard to choose one in which to purchase. Most are very alike in general gameplay and features, but Empire Earth is different, allowing players to engage in combat over a time span of 500,000 years, from the days of cavemen to the future with Nano bots. Read More.
Welcome to the world of the trader, where your goal is to become profitable and eventually, climb the ladder of success to the rank of a Patrician. Published by Strategy First and developed by Ascaron, Patrician II places you in the role of an early 1300's trader with a very important task at hand. Read More.
Every so often a game comes around of such magnitude, such brilliance, that it changes the PC gaming community as a whole. Developed by Remedy Games and Published by Gathering of Developers and 3DRealms, Max Payne is the most brilliant game since Half-Life, and that is a very hefty achievement. Read More.
Almost everybody has heard of Napoleon; the French Emperor who became the most powerful dictator in France during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries. Napoleon was a military genius, but in his last battle at Waterloo against the British and Prussian armies he was defeated. Read More.
A large number of war games and first person shooters are available for the PC, each having unique traits and storylines. Published by Codemasters and developed by Bohemia Interactive, Operation Flashpoint is based around the Cold War in 1985 between the United States and the Soviet Union. Read More.
Have you ever dreamt of changing the past? Ever wondered what it would be like if Napoleon never existed? Published by Strategy First and developed by Paradox Entertainment, Europa Universalis is a hardcode strategy title that sends players in to the past to control a nation and attempt to dominate central Europe. Read More.
Age of Empires is the first thing that came to mind when I originally saw this title. The graphics looked similar, the interface looked similar, and the overall design looked almost the same. After playing with this title for awhile I can say unequivocally that it is not Age of Empires. Read More.
My first impressions of World War II Online are that the game would allow players to quickly and easily join battles within WWII, and fight until death took its toll. Players could then quickly respawn and continue to battle. Unfortunately, loading is not quick, often taking up to ten minutes just to load the game. Read More.